My estranged JW husband was over at my home last night and he said (sneering like h he was smelling dirty socks) "Every time I come over here I have to be subjected to your holiday celebrations and your BIRTHDAYS! And then I remember how much I DONT miss that in my house!" To which I said..."At least you are WELCOME in MY house! Im not allowed to be IN YOURS!(he moved his JW sister and BIL and their FIVE kids into my house when I moved out) Which I OWN! And every time you are late getting here to see the kids because you had to go to the meeting or you cant come because you have a convention to go to, or you are doing a Kingdom Hall build or you show up in your suit because you were out in service...Or I think about you and your ilk praying for your God to destroy the planet and kill me and your CHILDREN because we dont believe like you do... I throw up in my mouth. So yeah...feeling is mutual dude."
Jehovah's Witnesses---A Religion That Does Nothing For Anyone
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
Keep it up Truthlover.. I am 54 y.o.... a medic, ... and one of the committee of 12 for my local committee for diabetes.. I am struggling against my own mortality as I write, against the same disease. You are a wonderful lady, and a beautiful example of common humanity. When will these dudes wake up to the fact that good hearted human being exist whether they are ACTIVE JW's, ex'JW's or attached or otherwise to any other branch of humanity. Wake up people..... the great crowd is drawn from EVERY tribe and people and nationality and tongue. God chooses NOT YOU moshe....
Truthseeker..... God bless you, lady. xxx
I remember as a kid how stupid and lifeless all the JW families seemed to be. It was a really odd thing to notice because I'd never known anything but WBATS crap. It was normal for nearly everyone to be on welfare, all of them lied to keep their benefits as high as possible. We gave nothing to the community outside of the Kingdom Hall. We were a worthless forgettable bunch of losers.
Being a JW is to excel at taking the life God gave you and make it as useless and meaningless as you possible can.
Hi Upnorth
I hope you are an adult now and recognize that maybe some do need social assistance, a lot of folks do -- "as a kid" cant really understand how down some folks can get and if it is in an area where there is low employment levels, much like what is going on today in a lot of communities, most pull together - and to lie to keep their benefits as high as possible?? -- how would u know that, being a kid?? Maybe it was just your family and their own personal situations - not being nasty, just wondering ? and kids usually cannot understand exactly what goes on.... You sound terribly negative --"" worthless, forgettable, losers, useless, meaningless"" your words -- -- so sorry you feel that way -- you have to see past all this negativity to enjoy so many things in this life.... and if you feel that the WTBTS is the cause of this remember it is better to forgive and move on to fulfill your life than to hold on to this thinking..
Much peace to you
So sorry to hear of your situation - diabetes can be so debilitating if not maintaining food schedules -- a good friend of mine has it -- her problem is being so heavy and staying away from sweets and I am sure she is going to regret that shortly as her feet are giving her problems now
- my husbands uncle also has diabetes and his wife is making sure he eats well but he sneaks treats now and then .. dont we all??
Another gal I know has the pump and just had her second child 11 lbs!! She is a beautiful young gal and does well with the pump -- do you have one? Could be the answer you are looking for
Look into the health food store for Olive Leaf -- seems to be a cure all for everything -- also stevia -- a natural sweetner 300 times sweeter than sugars and you can cook with it - it comes in packets - and liquid... Splenda is a derivitive of sugar, replacing one molecule of sugar but making it harmless to probably know all this
Thanks for the encouragement - I scope around the board from time to time and I am not on much, but could not pass this one up.. I can see how some have had issues but I hope I have helped to address some of the issues to let folks know nothing is cut and dried or written in stone. There are a lot of hurting people in the world, and they are not all wicked, just hurting - Jehovah will be the final judge and I do not judge any one!
Much peace to you .. keep well
No wonder you are peeved... I would be too if I owned the house
Were you a witness? IT seems like there is a lot of pent up anger other than the Truth... separations and divorces are bad enough but when there are religious differences everything is compounded -- holidays, vacations, etc.. is there any way things could be worked out when the kids are not around.. what have the lawyers said? Legally this should all be worked out with schedules being set up so the kids are not feeling the heat of two adults trying to kill each other with their words and anger..pick up times would have to be adhered too--maybe you both could video tape your meetings with each other and play it back to see how it looks to the kids.. I bet they are scared to death... if your husband was being logical, he would not be approaching you in this manner.. after all he is not in charge of where you live anymore ...and neither parent could talk about the other to the children to keep the children upset --and this could be a point of visitation also for both of you.. anger will make you both sick and takes a terrible toll on the body.. this should all be worked out by a lawyer so every one knows their limitations....
As an outsider, I pray you and ex can make it work for the kids..
I'm adult "kinda" Married, children (4), grandchildren (2)plus (1intheoven)
My family was fine financially we were farmers in a farming and logging area. What I observed was JW's claiming to be pious but doing what ever they had to to survive, even if it meant lying. And in typical JW fashion claiming it was justified.
There is no more useless human then one that follows the WBATS.
It's the cult of jello.
For the JW's who are trying to help the poor and needy in their midst, I say thank you. It must be very hard to help those whom they are praying for G-d to destroy, when they pray- Thy kingdom come, thy will be done---
judge rutherFRAUD
SOME ONE POSTED HOW THE JW'S DONATED A BLOOD SAVER MACHINE to a hospital. and my question is how many jw's die from not recieving blood transfusions. I'm a hell of alot sure it's 100's of times more than those few blood machines have saved. and why did the wt donate those blood machines? Mainly for themselves trying to force their medical ideas on the public at large. as for jw's being a give sort. In my city all the jw's I have known were leechs . alway looking for something for free. asking me to service their cars for free after calling me the son of satan for years, I knew dozens of pioneers that were on WELFARE, FOOD STAMPS, SSI ETC. most able bodied persons that were too lazy to work, but could walk miles a day in fs. next to every jw I have personnally known were HYPOCRITES, and would take anything free they could get from worldly persons while cursing them infront/behind their backs
There is no denying, there are some individual JWs that performs acts of good deeds and charity towards those not of their faith. However, it is a very, very small percentage of the organization. As a whole, the Jehovah Witnesses organization is not a charitable one as it goes against their core beliefs.
The donating of the blood machines, it was for the use of JWs...others just happen to benefit.