Wait... if I just read your post, am I demonized now too?
Don't buy anything at the meat market or yard sales or else you could turn out like me?
by dissed 43 Replies latest jw friends
It's your own fault! Don't you remember in Genesis the scriptures talking about the angels looking down from heaven and seeing the daughters of man and their beautiful... Tupperware!?
Oh your head be it!
Why mess around with all the old junk, why not just get into the factories and infest everything.
JWs do not think through anything they think or say.
We have also been told not to purchase anything where you know satanic items are also for sale....there is not a k-mart,,,walmart,,,etc etc..that does not sell magic kits,,,ouiji boards,,,,etc etc....TECHNICALLY....should not shop at these stores or stores like them....
i am so sorry you had to be put through this....how awful.....
I've always wondered if jws are so worried about demon contaminated stuff why don't they live like the Amish and make their own stuff?
When we first started our fade, we often relished getting up late on Sunday and wandering round a car boot sale, we often ran in to Dubs,who would be quick to excuse their not being at the meeting, they hadn't realised at that point that we had left for good.
So they do have an insidious draw, and as Ballistic said, you end up with a house too full for any Witless stuff, I also have a job throwing junk away now, I know I could sell it for beer money at a Boot Fair.
Boy those boot fair Demundz sure do got me !
Back to topic, it is amazing that the dubs never can entertain the thought that you have left because the religion is a load of s**t !
It is always something wrong with you, not their "Troof"
Great thread!
Me thinks it will be time to go rummaging soon! yeah, I'm mean like that, I will on occasion even buy Count Dracula or Lucky Charms just to see if he got the memo on those. Time to see if he got the memo about antique shops & rummage sales.
How come they can go to the Goodwill (or other) and buy used suits? couldn't those be filled with demons? maybe in the pockets or hems?
I once asked if the factory that makes Oija boards has a special production line process to demonize them, or if it only becomes demonized when some Satanized pre-teen girls use it in one of their demonic slumber parties -
It used to be actually taught (around where I was a JW in the 60s) that the things to avoid at garage sales were antique mirrors and any old books.
jwoods-------------too funny!!! hahahahaha
jwoods-------------too funny!!! hahahahaha