What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Stand For?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • pirata

    JWs stand for the Truth. The Truth as explained by the Governing Body. The Truth has changed back and forth and will continue to change, but is always True. This is because the definition of Truth is whatever the Governing Body tells us is True. There is Present Truth, Future Truth and Past Truth. Only present Truth is True. However, Past Truth is not false because it was once Present Truth. Future Truth is more True than Present Truth. JWs can rest assured that by standing for the Truth, they are standing for God and the Bible. They are confident of this because they have verified their stand by understanding the scriptures they way the Governing Body tells them to.

    Those who believe that the Truth conflicts or goes beyond the Bible, and take a stand for it, are shunned and considered to have fallen from the Truth. If they later reject their belief of what is true, then they can once again stand for the Truth.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What does Jehovah's Witness stand for? Here you go:

    Jesus minimizing


    Hotel reserving


    Very annoying

    Always gossiping

    Hearsay evidence ok unless it is against a pedophile


    Wearing what they're told to wear

    Ignorant about their own religion


    Never arrive at that "very soon" date

    Everyone clean shaven

    Smurfs are Deemunz!

    So are yard sale items!

    Everything NOT from the Watchtower is from Satan!!!

    Stupid religion

  • dgp


  • OnTheWayOut

    They stand for the "US vs. THEM" mentality. Terry started explaining it.
    It's JW's vs. Christendom, JW's vs. Satan, JW's vs. the world, JW's vs. higher education, JW's vs. career, JW's vs. apostates.

    They also stand for the end coming any moment now, and they have stood for this for 96 years.

  • flipper

    " What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Stand For ? " - Insanity and cult mind control

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses stand for wasting all of one's time. You are told not to do anything that is at all fun. Then, you are supposed to be out in field circus all the time, preaching a religion that cannot even defend itself against someone with a little knowledge of the Bible itself.

  • minimus

    The result? Dour sour personalities.

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