Small things from our recent Elder visit keep popping up in my mind . One thing we discussed was how much pressure we felt in the congregation to keep doing more , more ,more .......I said that it caused us to never feel we were ever good enough ! If you are not meeting the national average you were treated like a slacker . That began to weigh us down , even though in my heart I felt I was doing what I could it was not going to be enough .
The accompaning Elder reply was that the constant reminders were to encourage .....He said " Didn't you encourage your children to do better in school ? Get better grades ?"
I said "Yes .....but I never brow beat them until they wanted to give up ! "
He went on to say " Well some in the hall have circumstances that only allow them to get five hours in a month ,but others have the time they just need to put in more effort .Their circumstances could allow them to do more if just pushed a bit ."
I said " But who made you the judge on whether or not someone has the circumstances or Not ??? You don't know what may be going on in someones life. Shouldn't it be up to them to freely do or give the time they see fit to do ?"
They just put on the stupid smile and shake their heads like I just don't understand .....arghhhh
Honestly when you have not been around it for a while you just don't realize how braindead they really are .
I will post a few more topics we discussed as they come back to me ...