Anything that ruined my nap was annoying. It was prime sleep catch-up time!
Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings
by LittleSister 82 Replies latest jw friends
The most annoying thing is when you walk into a meeting or assembly and the prayer is going on, people stop and stand right there. Then others see that people are stopped for the prayer, they can't hear the prayer but stop quite a distance away because there is a prayer. They think it is respect for the prayer. No, it is just so that others will see them putting on a show of respect for the prayer.
It's not annoying, but what I noticed is as soon as a sister comes to the meeting/assembly/conventions, the first thing they do is take out the hand lotion & start to moisturize, then offer folks next to them or take out the handsanitizer. Do you think it's because they have to swallow all that doctrine & they are ringing their hands in rebellion...they can't say nothing so all they can do is moisturize. I see it all the time...You know, I'm a witness, now..I have some strange ways just like anyone, so not judging, just observing...I think that witnesses are still stuck on appearances, aka: What it looks like....even when you go to the assemblies, everybody is taking they will ever use them...neat bibles, neat literature, all about appearances...
Oh, another annoying/observing thing...."You are to be commended" we need gold stars...although getting gold stars in life can be encouraging. Oh, another one..."Can someone read the next subheading....Trust Jehovah" then the brother says, nice reading...uh ? Now from a child, that is Nice Reading, but from an adult...come on...
Well that's it for now...I'm sure I have more.
i thought the most stupid thing was expecting people dressed up to go cleaning toilets and vacuuming after the meeting. what man is it out there that puts on a three-piece suit and tie and pulls out the vacuum - or the woman in pantyhose, and dress/jewelry, etc who decides this is the perfect time to spruce up the bathroom.
and moronic conductors who possessed iq's insufficient to grasp the basic 7 or 8 year old grammar school level of "scholarship" provided in that literature. and of course i am talking about back when things were a tad brainier....i get the impression that nowadays it has been so simplified it is at the susie has a ball bobbie wants the ball. bobbie asks susie for the ball. susie says no. now friends, what do we understand from this?
You've all put together a pretty comprehensive list. I'll just add these few:
1. When someone answers and comments on the content of the (non-photo) illustration as if it were a photograph of the actual event taking place. (e.g., "You can see by the expression on Paul's face, how upset he really is at Barnabas!" or "Notice how organized Noah kept his worksite. It wasn't messy like you see at worldy construction projects, it's neat or organized like we see at our Quick Builds. We should be greatful to have an example like his to follow.")
2. I used to have a book study conductor who did the following...."Well that concludes the study for tonight. Since we finished a few minutes early, let's open our Bibles to this week's Bible reading and see how far we can get before 8:00. We'll go around the room and take turns by verse. Let's start to my left; Br. R_O?"
3. When it's an elder who has the first talk of the Service Meeting, and after making the few announcements he needs to, he says: "We have one additional announcement" and he leaves the stage to have Br. Judicial Committee walk up to the stage (along with the "stage" guy scampering behind to adjust the microphone). "Unrepentant Sinner is no long one of Jehovah's Witnesses." He then leaves the stage so that the other elder can come back up. Like a dog-and-pony show. Why can't the elder who is already up there just make the flippin' announcement?
4. Elders who spend the entire meeting walking the aisles and lobby handing out talk slips, KMs, etc., or who only ever sit in the back of the auditorium like some lifetime appointed "supervising attendant" (since the assigned attendants are back there too) even though their families are all sitting in the front.
5. Brothers that bring MONSTER briefcases to all the meetings (whether they're elders or not). What on earth do they have in there??? Even the most overworked corporate lawyers I know don't need to carry around cases that big anymore.
Brothers that bring MONSTER briefcases to all the meetings (whether they're elders or not). What on earth do they have in there??? Even the most overworked corporate lawyers I know don't need to carry around cases that big anymore.
Like others have said, it's all about the show. They think it makes them look "spiritual" to have thirteen notebooks, twelve assorted out-of-date WT and KM's, thirty eight pens, nine hi-liters, a couple files of important looking letters, three Bibles of various sizes, four dictionary's, a tablet, programs from the last five years conventions, a PDA, their cell phone...have I forgotten anything?
Then you get two or more of these self-righteous boobs sitting on opposite sides of the aisle with their suitcases in the walkway so there is only about ten inches of free walk space to squeak through. I always thought I should somehow "fake fall" and scream bloody murder about being injured while waving the written instructions NOT to block aisles with briefcases.
Julia Orwell
Sisters who talk about nothing but their illnesses and ailments before and after every meeting.
When you walk up to a couple of sisters in conversation and they completely fail to acknowledge you existence with even a little eye contact.
Sister "Me, Myself and I" who was 46 and still lived with her parents and in wt every comment she ever made talked all about herself.
The newly baptized convert whose every wt comment was this breathlessly being thrilled to be in the "truth" and what a blessing it was.
Wt comments prefaced with, " in Christendom they do xyz, but in Jehovah's organization we do abc..." Using contrast to tear down "Christendom" to make jws look so much better.
Brothers giving talks who mangled grammar ( native English speakers; you can forgive those whose first language us other than English) and historical and scientific facts.
Brothers who year after year used the same illustrations or examples in their public talks.
I have another one...when someone goes up on the stage & mispronounces a word, then the entire congregation begins to say it another way. Somehow when they hear it they think that it comes from HDQ. Once a sister said "Apostule" don't you know the entire congregation started to say it, how about Baruch they say Barak, it's pronounced...Baruk....Once I was at a bible study & brought it up....they said, oh I thought it was apostule, I said no the "T" is silent...I was not talking to young ones, these folks where in there 30's. But what I notice about this generataion, they say, Man'hat'en, Mil'en which should be Manhattan, & Milton....But what made me feel good was I went to an assembly this weekend & they pronounced certain words & they were pronounced properly. So that made me feel better....Are witnesses no "Hooked On Phonics" ? But they can recite scriptures so that makes them smarter than anyone, doesn't ? NO, I'm being funny.
Like many have commented, out of all the meetings I find the Watchtower study the most annoying, often for the content, but certainly for the way it is conducted usually.
Reading the paragraphs of the Watchtower - it's mostly pointless and wastes everyone's time, as is demonstrated on the circuit visit when the paragraphs aren't read anyway. And as has been commented on already, most of the answers are just reading out the paragraphs AGAIN.
Some conductors also can make the Watchtower more annoying than usual too. I find it annoying when they ask too many specific auxilliary questions, trying to extract every little snippet of the paragraph, effectively having the audience read out each bit again. It leaves no time for "discussion" or "expanding" on anything, and kills any possible usefulness of the already wasted time.
nervous coughers
late finishes and long stupid prayers
self rightous judgmental middle aged sisters
general boredom