I have had many boasting sessions run long because the conductor was very slow or intentionally dragged it on. When I would read for the book study, I would read quickly BECAUSE I WANTED THE DAMN THING DONE EARLY, not so they could add more comments or drag something on. Had they refrained from adding spurious material, I could have had those book studies done about 10 minutes early because I would read through words that most people couldn't pronounce without wasting time.
Also, I hate hearing things that merely waste my time. Once I got the common denominator of every single piece of littera-trash, I never needed to see another piece again because I already know the outline. Hearing talks about not missing boasting sessions is another complete waste of time. Also, when they have to waste half an hour getting people to pio-sneer, it is a complete waste of my time. If all I am going to hear at the boasting sessions is how important the boasting sessions are, they are not all that important after all.
The worst is the hounder-hounder. This humanoid always manages to drag out the last talk. Some of them have two-hour ramblings for a 1/2 hour talk slot. The boasting session is supposed to end at 9:15, and many people have unbelieving spouses or children that need to be in bed by a decent hour. And, if they want any field circus out of me the next morning at 5:30 in the morning, the boasting session had better end ON TIME, not 1 1/2 or 2 hours late. I would like to see a situation where, if the hounder-hounder is still talking at 9:20 PM, the lights all go out and everyone leaves while it is dark.