I think you're discussing fatalism which is kind of a "Oh, well, we're doomed and we can't change it because God, the Bible, the fates, whatever, decree it."
I hadn't thought about that. Interesting--the other, darker side of the coin.
I think many people say it to try to give the person with bad luck hope or to get such person off the pity pot.
Yes--therapists call that an invalidating environment. It causes problems and doesn't solve any that I know of. Usually when someone is discussing a personal problem he or she just wants validation, not unsolicited advice or invalidating remarks.
It's so much easier and more appropriate to say, "Hey, that must be really hard." And then full stop unless he specifically requests advice.
There are some people that go around saying "man, your fuxd dude". Is that better? Even though it may be more true and correct.
Yes--validation goes a long way.
I've known a lot of people die from cancer who smoked like chimneys.
Believe me I am very familiar with the overwhelming scientific evidence for this. I'm just not sure how in the world it's helpful or appropriate to say that to a cancer patient? Unless you're a sociopath.
What about genetic conditions? Babies born to suffer.
The strange thing is this statement is usually made to preach faith in gawd. It does the opposite, doesn't it?