The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wannabefree

    I too brought out this new information to my wife and separately to a couple of elders. All are on board and see it as being increased light and making even more sense now. If they get together and start comparing notes on the questions I have been asking I am done for!

  • undercover
    Half of the Witnesses wouldn't even know the generation doctrine has changed; and the other half wouldn't care. Ignorant or apathetic?

    Ignorance and apathy intertwined with indoctrination.

    They're so zombified by the WT style of "learning" without critical thinking that they pretty much accept anything presented without thinking about it. This is the way the WTS wants them to accept new/changed doctrines...without thinking.

    They've been conditioned to being ignorant and in time, apathy sets in as they no longer care to think about anything anymore since everything they're supposed to think and believe is handed to them.

  • sir82
    Even though the anointed vary in age, those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during the part of the last days.

    Did you quote this correctly?

    "...during the part of the last days..." doesn't seem to make sense. Should it be the "last part of the last days" or something like that?

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    Yes I quoted that right. I just rechecked it. I know sometimes or most of the time how they write things you have to read them twice to try to understand them. But it clearly says that "those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during part of the last days."

  • Gayle

    Most will not analyze this at all. They can't analyze ( unused abilities become lost). However, I think, get ready for a good sprinkling of ones that find this as a "jolt" and hopefully somehow find themselves coming to meet us.

  • JWoods

    Like a lot of posters here, it is just unbelievable to me that the ordinary JW is simply not noticing this radical change, or simply missed it.

    One thing I am starting to think about the subject is that it really is of no consequence to today's average JW for a very simple reason:

    The ordinary JW of 2010 simply does not really believe (or care) that Armageddon is going to come in their lifetime. They are just going through the motions - they will say the words about how "close to the end we are", but in the here and now they are just living the day by day JW life.

    Bethel planners certainly are - selling huge buildings, building or buying others, and so on - as if there is no end in sight.

    So what difference does this "generation" rule make to todays witness? Not much more than the ancient miracle wheat scam of Russell.

  • sir82

    So now the last days come in "parts"?

    So which "part" are we in now?

    Not to mention the utter inanity of "two groups constituting the generation". In what other context, Biblical, non-Biblical, Dr. Seuss-ical, does the word "generation" mean anything even remotely similar to "two groups"?

    What a bunch of loons!

  • teel

    Sir, if you don't see that contrary to what the dictionaries say about the word, Jesus evidently meant two groups by the word "generation", you sir lack faith. You might as well go around telling the historians are correct when they say Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE instead of 607 BCE what evidently the Bible points at.

  • Lozhasleft

    I actually remember them using the dictionary definition of 'contemporary' in their publications too !! That was when it was to convince us that once they all died off Armageddon would come...have they now swapped their dicitionaries for something else?? like comic book fairy tales....

    Loz x

  • JWoods

    I really think this "concurrent generation change" is in many ways worse than the United Nations NGO hypocrisy.

    It is a cynical outright lie - designed to further their failed false prophecy of the past. Designed to enslave current JWs.

    It could not, IMHO, have been made up innocently. This is a deliberate lie to hide a false prophecy.

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