The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • undercover

    Okay...I've read and re-read this quote a few times now. And then I go off to some fluff thread that actually makes sense...yet I keep coming back to this to read it yet again.

    The last time I read it, this jumped out at me:

    How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

    Comforting to who? The older anointed ones you just fucked over by telling them that the younger ones would not die off? What happened to the promise that they, the class of 35 (back when heaven's door was still closed) would not die?

    I said the other day, you can forget all the 607/587 shit...all the UN shit... all the blood doctrine shit... this new, new generation teaching is a fucking slap in the face to everyone who in the last 50 to 60 years believed that they would see the end. This is all you need to know why this is a fucking cult.

    Here's the WT telling all of us, "Go fuck're gonna fucking die...but hey be happy for the younger generation...they'll see the end in their time."

    What a fucking load of shit. The more I think about this the madder I get. And here, just days after I said I was over it and it wasn't worth gettting worked up over. Those fucking bastards and their fucking lies from their fucking ivory tower. I hope they fucking die miserable, agonizing deaths.... alone where no one knows they're in pain...and I hope as they see the light of whatever lies beyond that they see a vision that shows that there is a burning fucking hell....but just for lying fuckers like them...

  • JWoods

    Me too, Undercover. Getting madder and madder at this blatant lie by the minute.

    BTW - don't hold back; tell us how you really feel...

  • sir82
    What happened to the promise that they, the class of 35 (back when heaven's door was still closed) would not die?

    Good point. Add another to the list of failed WT prophecies & proclamations.

    Supposedly, "the great crowd" will survive Armageddon. Even if one of the "great crowd" identified in 1935 was a newborn baby, he'd be at least 75 years old today. Even the youngest adults then are now in their 90's. Before too long, "the generation of 1935" will all be gone.

    If they are all dead before Armageddon comes, then guess what? They weren't members of the "great crowd", then, were they?

    So when did the "great crowd" start to get gathered? 1945? 1955? 1975?

    Or does the great crowd "overlap", too?

    These idiots have painted themselves into a corner, and are now painting the toes of their shoes as well.

  • BluesBrother

    Loz said

    I actually remember them using the dictionary definition of 'contemporary' in their publications too

    I wonder if this was it?

    WT 95 11/1 QFR

    "More recently, A Handbook on the Gospel of Matthew (1988), designed for Bible translators, said: “[The New International Version] translates this generation literally but follows with a footnote, ‘Or race.’ And one New Testament scholar believes that ‘Matthew means not just the first generation after Jesus but all the generations of Judaism that reject him.’ However, there is no linguistic evidence to substantiate either of these conclusions, and they must be brushed aside as attempts to avoid the obvious meaning. In its original setting the reference was solely to Jesus’ own contemporaries.”

    As discussed on pages 10 to 15, Jesus condemned the generation of Jews of his time, his contemporaries who rejected him. (Luke 9:41; 11:32; 17:25) He often used qualifiers such as “wicked and adulterous,” “faithless and twisted,” and “adulterous and sinful” in describing that generation. (Matthew 12:39; 17:17; Mark 8:38) When Jesus used “generation” for the last time, he was on the Mount of Olives with four apostles. (Mark 13:3) Those men, who were not yet anointed with spirit nor part of a Christian congregation, certainly did not constitute either a “generation” or a race of people. They were, though, very familiar with Jesus’ use of the term “generation” in referring to his contemporaries. So they logically would understand what he had in mind when he mentioned “this generation” for the last time. The apostle Peter, who was present, thereafter urged Jews: “Get saved from this crooked generation.”—Acts 2:40."

  • notverylikely

    You'd think he would want to be clear on this.

    I once heard one of our elders (one of the ones on my JC), at door say to a person "God makes it hard to understand on purpose to confuse people so only those that struggled to learn would understand.

  • agonus

    I agree... with this recent load of tripe, the GB might as well be saying "Fuck You". It's such an insult to decent Witnesses. They deserve better.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I wholeheartedly concur with undercover.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Yep - This makes me angrier than anything else the WTS has done or will ever do. I am angry at the GB, writing dept, and so-called faithful slave and even angrier at my family for continuing to eat this bull$hit and act as if nothing is wrong.

    Undercover's post sums it up for me too. Everytime I think I'm over it........they pull me back in.

    Cult Classic

  • ldrnomo

    "evidently" is the word the society uses for bullshit.

    each time you see evidently replace it with the word bullshit and it will make more sense

  • VoidEater

    WTS needs to download a "security" update...

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