Psac illustrates the problem with christianity and the other 2 abrahamic faiths: my way or the highway. The gospels of Thomas, Mary, Judas and other gospels, including the gnostics, tell the story of the diversity of belief about jesus in the early days after his death.
This diversity was hammered out of existence by Irenenaus and others, more is the pity. Of course, the religion prospered and grew, but it was not the same group of beliefs/believers before the "cleansing" of "heretical" beliefs.
Along comes Augustine and now even the meaning of the garden is changed, so that christianity has become a religion of shame and guilt, all redeemed by jesus.
That was not what the early followers believed.
So it is fine for Psac to say that the problem is with others, not christianity itself. This is a moot point; the christianity we have today is a mishmash of concepts molded over the centuries by the winners, the most powerful, the ones willing to burn at the stake those who disagreed with them.
It just helps to remember where it all came from.