Have They Found Noah's Ark ? - Again.....

by BluesBrother 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry


    What can you do with them?

    They live by Faith and not by sight, yet, they search for proof and go ape when anything is found which might verify their belief.

    The Shroud of Turin, for example. It has been tested, retested, debunked, re-re-tested, affirmed and debunked.

    Noah's Ark has been found over and over and over and over with nothing to show for the claims!

    Cognitive dissonance is holding two contradictory "truths" at the same time in one's mind.

    There can be no contradiction when something is true because truth is what corresponds to reality.

    So, a man of faith, a believer KNOWS on some level of conscousness that holding impossible things to be REAL is crazy.

    Consequently, the man of faith seeks ways to move the impossible thing into the world of reality. Even if he has to fake it!

    Fred Franz made all those phoney predictions about Armageddon NOT because he was a liar....but, because he was a believer in Truth.

    He just kept pushing the impossible into the world of reality every way he could until it was proved to be true.

    Sadly, it always ends the same. Disproof. And the believer becomes intellectually dishonest by ignoring the disproof and going back to his cognitive dissonance.


  • shopaholic
  • sir82
    So, what's something like this doing above 13,000 ft on Ararat?

    Right, because it's absolutely unprecedented that people have ever built wooden structures that could hold animals on mountains.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    The only mystery is why anyone would go to such length to create such an obvious hoax.

    Money and notoriety are pretty big motivators.

  • JWoods

    Didn't the Awake at one time publish something about one of these Ark "finds"?

  • BurnTheShips

    There is no ark on Ararat. I strongly suspect that this natural, ship-like stone formation on Ararat is the basis of that part of the legend:

    It is nearly the exact same size as the dimensions outlined in Genesis


  • Perry
    A similar phenomenon took place in Paluxy River, Texas. Some creationists find fossil footprints that look vaguely (to the biased eye) human


    What else can the religious naturalists say in the light of undisputible evidence? The Paulxy River is not far from where I live and there are dino and human footprints all over the place in "65 million" year old rock? I have personally spoken to Dr. Carl Baugh and found him quite credible and knowledgable.

    It requires FAR more faith to believe in a naturalistic paradigm than it does to accept the fact that dinos and humans lived together. The destruction of the accepted evolution paradigm does not prove the bible. It only proves that fake scientists reside in other places besides the Climate Gate Hoax.


  • mindmelda

    There probably were floods large enough in that area to explain all the big flood myths, though.

    The Mediterranean apparently was two separate seas at one time, and there was a catclysmic flood that made it into one big sea, obliterating quite a few significant human habitats along it's edges about 10,0000 years ago.

    That's one big flood that would have made a whopper of a folk tale and you all know how we humans love big dramatic stories.

  • behemot
  • Perry

    And let's not forget those pesky soft T-Rex dinosaur tissues, blood vessels and proteins that keep popping up with the distinct "smell of death" associated with them.

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