Have They Found Noah's Ark ? - Again.....

by BluesBrother 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    That's what I love about JWD, everyone is still here when I get back! How does everyone make a living?

    But if you contend that God made the earth only 6,000 years ago, how do you account for either the fossil or the rocks being millions of years old?


    Just so you'll know, I have never "contended" that the earth is 6000 years old. I allow for a "old" earth and young creation. What I do contend, is it that we cannot know for a certainty many things. Gap Theory is a fundamental bible theory that attempts to make that fit. I personally believe that some rocks may be "billions" of years old. But billions of years from whose point of view? God, who is timeless and can most certainly manipulate time, would certainly have a different frame of reference than us three dimensional creatures wouldn't he? I also believe that other rocks that are believed by secularists to be millions of years old probably aren't. Lots of mysteries out there.

    So, getting back the Ark. How would a person know if was true or not? At one time I believed that the earth was warming due to fossil fuels because that was the data that I was exposed to in my construction of reality. It made sense to me that greenhouse gasses trapped the suns rays and warmed the earth.

    Now, there are 10, 000 scientists saying that science was manipulated in the global warming hoax. Whom should I believe?

    Here's a trick question for everyone. How do you know what is true? Warning: The answer may not be what you think. Any takers?

  • JWoods

    Perry, sorry - but I still don't understand what all this stuff about age of mankind and dinosaurs has to do with this obvious hoax over "Noah's Ark".

  • sir82
    God, who is timeless and can most certainly manipulate time, would certainly have a different frame of reference than us three dimensional creatures wouldn't he?

    So if I'm reading between the lines correctly....

    You're claiming that God somehow has chosen to merely make the rocks look billions of years old, from "our 3-dimensional perspective"?

    Well, that's a new one to me...

    Any evidence for that, other than speculation?

  • Perry
    Perry, sorry - but I still don't understand what all this stuff about age of mankind and dinosaurs has to do with this obvious hoax over "Noah's Ark".


    One poster introduced the dino/human footprints was a hoax the same as this find.

    A similar phenomenon took place in Paluxy River, Texas. Some creationists find fossil footprints that look vaguely (to the biased eye) human,

    How does bohemot know its a fugazi?

    Isn't anyone going to take me up on my challenge?

    Trick question: How does a person know if something is true or not? And remember, the answer is not what some people think.

  • Perry
    Any evidence for that, other than speculation?

    Not a shred. But just like how a person can manipulate "his" time playing a you tube video by sliding the cursor backwards and forward, couldn't God who is master of time do something similar? To assume that God wouldn't use the utility of time in creation doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    How would you know one way or another?

    Trick question: How does a person know if something is true or not? And remember, the answer is not what some people think.

  • bohm

    perry: I know i know! You discard all data you do not like, you only really listen to those who you agree with, and you accept all they say without question. especially if it is youtube or random blogs, websites. just like the ark hoax reported in this thread.

  • Perry
    you accept all they say without question. especially if it is youtube or random blogs, websites.

    Like this one

    The list is growing and includes [hundreds of] scientists from the US National Academy of Sciences, Russian, Hungarian and Czech National Academies, as well as from universities such as Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and others.

    Ohhh, I almost forgot my challenge:

    Trick question: How does a person know if something is true or not? And remember, the answer is not what some people think.

  • Perry

    Doesn't anyone know what is true?

  • bohm

    perry: a person combine observations with prior knowledge on the domain and assign a degree of trust to each outcome (true, false).

  • Perry

    Getting back to the subject:

    Uniformitarianism is one of the obstacles in discrediting Noah's Flood. How do we know if that philosophy is true or not?

    "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."


    Trick question: How does a person know if something is true or not? And remember, the answer is not what some people think.

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