Have They Found Noah's Ark ? - Again.....

by BluesBrother 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry


    Here's a website with hundreds of out of place artifacts. According to darwinism, if most any of these are true then the theory falls.

    How can we tell if either Darwinism or any of these artifacts are true?

    So far, only bohn has answered my trick question. He claims "prior knowledge" and "statistical probability". Any magician knows that kids are the worst possible audience to perform magic for. It is because the have little prior knowledge and are largely unaware of statistical probability. So the very things that make his world secure for him, are the exact tools that a skilled artist uses to deceive.

    Anyone else care to state how they know if something is true or not?

  • bohm

    perry, asking an unrelated question again and again isnt really respectfull to the poster, nor very insightfull.

  • daniel-p

    Anyone else care to state how they know if something is true or not?

    Whether an ancient book written by tribal leaders says it's true!

  • Mary

    Anyone else care to state how they know if something is true or not?

    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

  • OnTheWayOut
    Here's a website with hundreds of out of place artifacts. According to darwinism, if most any of these are true then the theory falls.

    So, if you find some out of place artifacts that don't fit with the Bible (like archaeologists have found) then the theory should fall in your mind.

    Oh, I thoroughly answered your question. I was much more diligent about it than you were when I called you out and you ignored the questions.

    I don' want to take away from the thread. If you have more to say to me, dig out my thread where I called you out, Perry. Put your answers to my questions there and I will gladly discuss things further with you.

  • poppers

    But just like how a person can manipulate "his" time playing a you tube video by sliding the cursor backwards and forward, couldn't God who is master of time do something similar?

    That's the craziest damn thing I've ever heard of. Maybe he'll slide the bar back and this thread will disappear.

  • Perry


    I addressed each and every scripture that was offered by you and others regarding rape in the bible. That is a fact. God did not command rape. That is also a fact. You cannot change that fact either. If I have missed ANY scriptural reference that you believe God commanded rape in then send me a IM., and I'll address it.

    Here 10,000 scientists protest government interference in global warming science. Will that stop some people from believing in global warming? Of course not. Should we harrass them? Mock them? No. People can believe whatever they want.

    So, On The WAy Out... are you going to show me the same courtesy I extended to you and answer a simple question? How do you know if something is true or not?

    You spent 12 years as an elder teaching what you now consider to be lies. How can you be so sure in your condemnation of others when you so far can't tell anyone how you know if something is true or not? Weren't you just as sure of yourself when you sat in judgment of others on your judicial committees?

    Surely, we all confidently repeated lies, as members of the WT. So how can we figure out if something is true or not now ...without the Watchtower?

  • Perry
    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    I like that one Mary!

    So, can anyone determine for a certainty that a global flood is impossible?

  • Perry
    perry, asking an unrelated question again and again isnt really respectfull to the poster, nor very insightfull.

    I think that it is exactly the point. Everyone on this thread who mocked the Noah's Ark "find" (and the event itself) once believed it was true. Now they believe it is not true. Learning how each was determined can be very insightful.

    So, bohn; how do you know if something is true or not? Your ideas so far aren't very reliable.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don' want to take away from the thread. If you have more to say to me, dig out my thread where I called you out, Perry. Put your answers to my questions there and I will gladly discuss things further with you.


    Continue the debate over there.

    So, can anyone determine for a certainty that a global flood is impossible?

    And yes, that has been done. Don't bother to try goading me into proving it as you won't listen anyway. Do your own damned research.

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