Is Darwinism True?

by Perry 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drwtsn32
    How do you know Creation is false as you claim?

    Creation where God created each species individually? Demonstrably false. Exact DNA imperfections that are shared among humans and some of our ape ancestors, for example.

    Creation where God started the initial spark of life and created the evolutionary process? I don't think anyone can disprove that.

    But what you continue to fail to grasp is that the burden of proof lies squarely with the person making the claim, not the one who disbelieves until evidence is presented. You don't see "darwinists" demanding that you disprove evolution.

  • Perry


    I take that as a "NO". Meaning you have no earthly idea how you "know" what is true. Again, thanks for the link. I encourage all to review my posts there.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I take that as a "NO". Meaning you have no earthly idea how you "know" what is true.

    I am ending my participation in such threads by reposting my opening comments from a thread 7 months ago... (see above post by OTWO)

    Take it whatever way you want to.

  • Perry
    But what you continue to fail to grasp is that the burden of proof lies squarely with the person making the claim

    And the daily, even hourly claim on this board is that Creation is false. I'm just asking how do you know it is false? Here's a repaste of my question to Leolaia:

    In other words, can you offer any plausible explanation whatsoever that would account for the stupendous complexity of a single cell, [like in the Harvard video above] with all the necessary parts apearing simultaneously?

    I'm all ears.

  • JWoods
    In other words, can you offer any plausible explanation whatsoever that would account for the stupendous complexity of a single cell, [like in the Harvard video above] with all the necessary parts apearing simultaneously that would not need an act of creation?
    In other words, can you offer any plausible explanation whatsoever that would account for the stupendous complexity of a creator God, [like in the fundamentalist creationism] with all the necessary parts apearing simultaneously that would not need an act of creation?

    Hasn't it occurred to you that the above "impossible to exist without a creator" applies equally to the creator-God (substituted for the cell)?

    The creationist is utterly blank on where such a "creator" came from.

    The creationist is utterly without an actual example of "a life creation in action by the creator" to show.

    It is all assumption - and it precludes people from genuine research into exactly how life came into existence and developed.

  • notverylikely

    I know this from talking to proponents of Darwinism here on this board, my own biology university experience and from this quote on the site that all the dissenting scientists are listed on:

    That list is BS, look it up. And your experience proves....nothing.

  • drwtsn32
    And the daily, even hourly claim on this board is that Creation is false. I'm just asking how do you know it is false?

    Above I gave one example of how creation where each species is a result of independent creative act by God is demonstrably false. Not all concepts of creation can be disproven.

    It is up to the one making the positive claim that something happened to provide evidence, not for a naysayer to provide contra-evidence.

    In other words, can you offer any plausible explanation whatsoever that would account for the stupendous complexity of a single cell

    Sure. Random mutation/genetic change coupled with natural selection. But any explanation or lack of explanation has no bearing at all on creationism. Creationism must stand on its own. We demand the same for evolution (ie, lack of evidence for creation is not evidence for evolution).

    with all the necessary parts apearing simultaneously?

    Straw man. Who says all parts appeared simultaneously?

  • cofty

    complexity, complexity, complexity, complexity, complexity, complexity,

    I can't imagine how [insert favourite example] could have happened

    Therefore christianity is true


  • Perry

    So far we have established the FACT that the Darwin idea of natural selection and random mutation CANNOT account for the complexity of life. Apparently scientists and intellectuals (I use that term loosely) alike are in agreement on this.

    Let this thread stand as a testimony of most everyone's agreement on this.

    Now, all we have to do is to come up with a plausible explanation for how a single cell with the complexity of a city, with interdependent parts, came into existence.

    Surely SOMEONE will be able to step up to the plate and offer something. Unless of course no one has diddly squat.

    It's like asking a Jehovah's Witness how in the world are they going to avoid God's judgment without Jesus as their Mediator. All they have is diddly squat. Either they deny that the WT teaches this or they just run away.

  • cofty

    We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged. (Discovery Institute 2004)

    Since scientists are trained to examine evidence and to be skeptical of everything, even ardent evolutionists could sign such a statement. Indeed, it is well known that random mutation and natural selection are not the only mechanisms contributing to the complexity of life; other mechanisms such as genetic drift and symbiosis are important, too.

    Most of the signators to the DI's list (about 80%) are not biologists; some are not even scientists. Generally speaking, mathematicians, electrical engineers, philosophers, and so forth are only marginally more qualified to comment on the validity of evolution than the average person on the street.

    The National Center for Science Education has compiled, as a parody of lists such as that from the Discovery Institute, a list of more than 500 scientists all named Steve, or with variants of that name, who support evolutionThe statement signed by the scientists of "Project Steve" is more more specific:

    Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence. It is scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically irresponsible for creationist pseudoscience, including but not limited to "intelligent design," to be introduced into the science curricula of our nation's public schools. (NCSE 2003)

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