Some thing for woman to think about

by is there help out there 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia


    you are 40, that is still young. Women have babies in their 40's all the time. Do whatever you need to do to get out and meet people and you will find someone. We have all lived such a repressed life but your life is not over. 40 is the new 30. I am not trying to kid away the problem, but it is not as hopeless as you think. You don't baggage. That is a huge plus for a woman. In the Borg 40 may be past prime time but out in the real world you are still datable. Develop your own interests, go to college, join a cause and you will find there are men there and some of them are single.

  • daringhart13

    Odrade.....I can vouch for the things you learned later on. I watched it on BOE's all the time. Its very corrupt.....and I'm amazed that there are still those that believe it is 'holy'.......its not even close.

    As the joke goes, what do you get when you put a window washer, janitor and carpenter together? A judicial committee!!

    Your dad is a rare brother in the he still in??

    Forgive me, but I was roaring on your next to last paragraph!! I had to deal with several of those 'incidents' you mentioned...... it was so gross....and I still wouldn't go near some of those couples. And YES....if people only knew about some of those 'elders' that are currently serving in the Pac NW that liked to beat their wives up.....both physically and verbally.

    Its all so absurd when you think about it. At my last DC, I saw one of them giving a part at the Rose Garden....... I just shook my head.

  • Odrade

    Yep, my dad is still in, (Let's not call it the "Truth," makes me retch, huh? LOL!) and heavily involved - Building committee, AH committee, he's one of those guys that gets lots of invites (out of town, out of state, out of country) to give the Memorial talks (and no, he's not "anointed.") To his credit, he always accepts the first one, rather than waiting to see which prestigious offers roll in.

    In the past, that has meant he has been obligated to drive himself at his own expense to some little podunk 5 hours away, instead of getting flown in to Cozumel by the congregation. He believes it totally. I don't know what that does to him, to see this stuff happen. He must see it, I can't believe that he could live in such a vacuum, so I don't know how he deals with it. I've got to believe he just closes off that part of his brain and refuses to acknowledge it - which in some respects is just as reprehensible.

  • EmptyInside

    I can identify a lot with what Broken Promises wrote. But, then reading what Odrade wrote about these women having to get permission for every little thing is taking the headship thing to a whole new level. So,I'm glad I didn't fall into that situation.

    At times the married sisters in the car group would always suggest brothers to me. That was the worst. Because it was either domineering men 20 years older than me or versions of the elephant man. Sorry, I know that wasn't nice. I'm not all about looks, but I have to be somewhat attracted to the man I would have to be spending my life with. Anyway, I kind of resented their suggestions, because one, most really didn't know me. And two , I always thought I could do better than that. Plus, a lot in the organization think that being in the "truth" is the only factor to have a happy marriage, when experience has shown it does not. Okay, rant over. But, this is a very personal topic for me.

  • Terry

    I thought I was a good person before I married. But, marrying a JW sister and me being a JW brother brought out unhealthy aspects of my personality I'd not discovered before.

    Having a person subject to me was not a good thing. It makes you lazy about being concerned for the other person's feelings and opinion. It is so much easier to simply say what YOU think is right and let the other dig deep and deal with it.

    JW women have no place to turn. Many end up being gossips and snitches. It is an unhealthy outlet for their pent up sense of injustice.

    A control freak Organization rips your sense of reality right out of you. You get swallowed up in the Armageddon fantasy. You have to steel yourself to be unconcerned about the fate of billions of people who will die.

    Other people...religious people who care about right and wrong and morality---must be looked upon cynically as goats and dupes.

    No....the prospects of getting married to a JW of either sex is soul killing and empty.

  • Odrade


    So true.

  • Violia

    This is a good thread. I'm going to bookmark it. In fact, I think it could be a sticky.

  • dgp

    And all this misery comes from the simple fact that people are NOT to be allowed to love someone even if he or she doesn't happen to share your faith!

    It makes you wonder whether the people who devised this rule are just idiots, or mean, or mean idiots, or inhumane, or what. Refusing to see the misery you create is... well, I can't find the words for this.

  • LongHairGal

    Broken Promises,

    I am a 'fader' who can relate to a lot of what you say, except I wasn't raised in the religion (thankfully) and I dated in the 'world'. I know exactly what you say about being 'untouchable' as a single sister, for the reasons you spelled out. I never cared to analyze it much but you are right about this 'formula'. I am sorry about the JW who cheated on you. They are no better than so-called worldly men. They just seem that way outwardly.

    But, in addition to being 'untouchable', I felt like an object of astonishment as well. There were those there who could not imagine 'how I could stay faithful' and make the meetings! Some were stupid enough to say this to me and I felt rather foolish. It was as if to say that if THEY were in MY circumstances, they wouldn't still be there. Nice. huh?

    Well, now I am out and they can wonder.

  • AGuest
    Many end up being gossips and snitches.

    And on a plethora of "anti-depressants", dear Terry (peace to you!). The men tend to be closet alcoholics... among other "things." Gotta "numb" the knowledge that you're listening to, being led by... and living those lies somehow...

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


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