Stephen Hawking knows more about heaven than Jesus did.

by moshe 124 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips

    You have no rational basis to bitch, Moshe. None at all.

    You left the JWs, and joined a religion that believes that a bearded Charlton Heston came down after 40 days on a mountain with the 10 commandments written by the hand of G-d. Not long after, Heston held up a sword and said "from my cold dead fingers" and authorized the systemic slaughter of everyone between the Jordan and the Med.

    At least my guy never authorized killing anybody, and made no direct rules himself except to love the Big Guy Upstairs and your neighbor. He never killed anyone either, instead he fed the hungry, and healed the sick. Your Moshe had to leave the country after whacking a fellow citizen. He then returned and used his spooky magic powers to do a bit of domestic terrorism.

    Jesus, on the other hand was himself killed in part for his refusal to engage in violence in his own defense. What's more, he asked for forgiveness for his murderers who mocked him as he was dying. My Jesus taught a superior morality than your Moshe.

    This crap is addressable from an a-religious atheist/agnostic, but not from you, my Jewish friend.

    Wrap some tobacco around that and smoke it, mr smartypants.


  • Gregor

    Jesus, on the other hand was himself killed in part for his refusal to engage in violence in his own defense.

    I don't know what your definition of killed is but I always figured it was permanent, not parts of 3 days and then you are up and around talking smack.

  • tec

    I don't know what your definition of killed is but I always figured it was permanent, not parts of 3 days and then you are up and around talking smack.

    Okay then. How about:

    Jesus, on the other hand was tortured, whipped, arrested, beaten, spit upon, mocked, condemned to death, abandoned by his people, nailed to and hung on a cross, in part for his refusal to engage in violence in his own defense. What's more, he asked for forgiveness for his tormenters who mocked him as he was dying.

    Does that make any difference when speaking about Jesus' character?


  • BurnTheShips

    I don't know what your definition of killed is but I always figured it was permanent, not parts of 3 days and then you are up and around talking smack.

    That's called being a badass mo'fo.

    "Ah ain't stayin' kilt"


  • awildflower

    I'd like to add, regarding some of the "amazing" things you expect Jesus should have been able to do: He did some things that are not possible for science even today. That's some pretty advanced technology he wielded.

    BTS, makes a good point. I have always thought that what Jesus was here showing mankind when he did things like cure the sick, heal the blind, lame and deaf and resurrect the dead, even walking on water and producing large amounts of food, he did those things to show man what they were already capable of themselves but just didn't know it yet. The power has always been within us. IF those things Jesus did are indeed true, and the fact that we haven't been able to do those things entirely like he did, then he would have been showing some very advanced technology, maybe even Quantum Physics itself (which is very probable to me). So when science catches up to the point where we can bring someone back to life through feeling and consciousness, then we would be able to look back on the things Jesus did and understand how advanced his "science" really was.

    Just thoughts. Of course it would be easy for someone to say, he never did those things because never again has anyone else ever done them, not even the best zen masters of our time or the best scientists. But the study and field of Quantum Physics is going to blow us away here very shortly I believe.

  • PSacramento

    In terms of history, all we have are "accounts" so even if Jesus had done some serious quantum stuff, it still would have been heresay.

    The jews of his time though enough of what Jesus did to accuse him of using magic and sorcerry, they didn't accuse him of faking it or his disciples of making things up, nope, they accused him of sorcery, even saying that he picked it up in Egypt.


    This thread confirms the conclusion that I, along with many other people, have come to. People will believe whatever they want or need to. They need no proof. In fact proof would be counterproductive for two reason. Firstly it would eliminate the basic need for faith. Secondly once we only believes what has been proven, proof becomes a burden that stands in the way of shaping our beliefs to suit our needs.

    We all do this to some degree, not just religious people. In order to make the world seem more comfortable and friendly than it really is, we adjust our subjective reality. I have no desire to live a life completely without illusion. I cherish my own illusions.

    Why so much attention on Jesus of Galilee? There are over 300 Roman and Greek gods; so real that the days of the week and months of the year are named after them and they relate to real planets which we can see.

  • awildflower

    they accused him of sorcery

    Sounds about right when things happen that people can't explain. That happens even today.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Nope, never been to a spiritual place commonly called called 'heaven', never died, had an out-of-body experience, seen the tunnel of light, talked to the dead and then come back to life. But I think that is what happened to Jesus and it went to his head. I do think that, if Jesus came back today he would need more proof now- a lot more proof, to back his claim that he is the Son of God.

    Stephen Hawking and moshe. The blind leading the blind.

    Does the Son of God know how the mathematics of the Universe works or not?

    Who do you think showed Stephen Hawking mathematics?

  • PSacramento
    This thread confirms the conclusion that I, along with many other people, have come to. People will believe whatever they want or need to. They need no proof. In fact proof would be counterproductive for two reason. Firstly it would eliminate the basic need for faith. Secondly once we only believes what has been proven, proof becomes a burden that stands in the way of shaping our beliefs to suit our needs.
    We all do this to some degree, not just religious people. In order to make the world seem more comfortable and friendly than it really is, we adjust our subjective reality. I have no desire to live a life completely without illusion. I cherish my own illusions.

    Why so much attention on Jesus of Galilee? There are over 300 Roman and Greek gods; so real that the days of the week and months of the year are named after them and they relate to real planets which we can see.

    To expand on that, many people will also NOT believe, regardless of proof, epecially if for them it will involve some "loss" or "compromise" of a part of thier lifestyle and comfort.

    I think that all those cool Pagan Gods serve a purpose, I know that I for one am all for Aphrodite and more loving !


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