Stephen Hawking knows more about heaven than Jesus did.

by moshe 124 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips

    Moshe, at least to me, you don't have to defend the great value of Judaism. My previous comments were only used to make a point.

    On Judaism, I'm pretty sold. I'm a judeophile.

    The only reason I didn't become Jewish myself is because I do love that carpenter-turned-rabbi that got nailed to a tree very much. In my personal experience, Jews seem to have a great affection for Jesus too, after all, he is part of the tribe. That Jew, and the small group of Jews that started out with him, changed the world forever.

    Whenever I discuss religion with some of my Jewish friends, they smile and tell me Christianity is "Judaism for Gentiles." Works for me. I even have a nice little Magen David that I wear on my chain from time to time (I have Sephardic ancestry on my mother's side).

    I consider myself part of the same tribe, in essence, if not in fact. Since Judaism makes no claim of universal exclusivity, that means that to mainstream Judaism, if I am righteous, I too have a place in the world to come.

    Jews that I know believe in man first, they believe that it's up to Humans to make the world a better place- man provides the knowledge and sweat. Yes, I believe in G-d, but I also believe He has no direct affect on my life.

    But I am a Christian, and I believe the exact same thing. Most of the Christians I associate with believe the same as well. We may wait on G-d for things we can't fix (at least for now), but for things we can, we believe it is our sacred duty to fix them. To right injustice. To secure liberty. To reduce suffering. To learn the workings of Nature--which more than one enlightened Jew has likened to the "mind of G-d."

    I do believe, however, that how we view G-d, whether consciously or unconsciously, has a very direct effect on how we live our lives, and hence our outcomes, not only for our own selves, but for humanity.



  • notverylikely

    Pictures or video or it never happened

    Ask and ye shall receive, ye of little faith in the google image search.

    Hot Egyptians

  • PSacramento

    Yummy !!!

  • PSacramento


    Agree on all points and that has been my impression from my time with my jewish friends and "study" helpers.

  • BurnTheShips




    From notverylikely: So using your logic, you have no cake and you don't get to eat a cake either...

    Really? How so? Tell me how you get to this conclusion? Oh, and please use little words, after all, I'm not as smart as you.

  • notverylikely

    Really? How so? Tell me how you get to this conclusion? Oh, and please use little words, after all, I'm not as smart as you.

    Ok, logic might be a strong word...but...earlier you wrote:

    The funny thing about statements like the OP made is that even if Jesus had spoken about quantum physics, they would discount that too. After all, they would say, how could those illiterate fishermen, even comprehend a science that had not been discovered.

    You can' t have your cake and eat it too.

    So, you are saying that we would have our cake (Jesus talking about physics) and then claim the disciples wouldn't understand it (get to eat our cake).

    Since he didn't talk about physics, there is no cake to be had and since they didn't understand what he was saying about whatever it was he was talking about most of the time anyway, you get to eat no cake either.

    I know that's pulling together multiple concepts and used sciencey words like "physics" and "time", but i didn't have time to run it past a toddler to see they could grasp it for you.

  • mindmelda

    Even if Jesus or any reasonably learned person of his time had known about the physical nature of the universe in such scientific terms, I doubt anyone in his time would have understood any explanation of it.

    People in his time didn't even know about the existence of the Americas, much less the thought that there was anything like a star. They thought the planets and stars were gods, so explaining how the sun was a giant ball of intensely hot gases instead of Helios driving his chariot across the sky or the Divine placing a big light in the sky for humans would have probably gotten you some funny looks back then.

    That wasn't the realm Jesus was dealing with, he was, like any spiritual teacher, all about taking people on journeys through their own psyches or souls, not the physical universe.

    If you're not interested in that sort of thing or don't believe it necessary, well...he's going to appeal in any way.

  • mindmelda

    I'm not sure you're taking into account how much technology has influenced our view of how the universe operates and how it's only been fairly recently in human history that we've had access to knowledge that we tend to take for granted.

    People in the time of Christ weren't any smarter than we are, not organically, but they hadn't the technology with which to observe the universe or know it as we do.

    I mean, when you don't even have a clock or the concept of a timekeeping that keeps time any better than a sundial, how are you going to explain light speed to someone who doesn't have the concept of a second or a minute or even an hour because time wasn't kept by mechanical devices constructed for that purpose?

    I mean, algebra then calculus to express higher mathematical concepts hadn't even been invented yet! You can't explain things to people who don't have the tools to get to the knowledge, which MUST come progressively. You can't make a person who has never seen a TV understand that it's a picture transmitted by beams of energy that are invisible when they don't even have a concept of what "transmitting energy" means.

    Even I, someone who uses the internent nearly every day can't really explain how it works in detail! I just know it's technology and not devils doing it because I know there are other people who make it work and understand it and I can accept that because I grew up with technology.

    It's just too big of a cultural leap to expect people with primitive or no technology to understand things in modern terms. Time, universe, physics, science....all pretty modern concepts that were either just in their infancy or didn't exist to people then.

  • notverylikely

    Even if Jesus or any reasonably learned person of his time had known about the physical nature of the universe in such scientific terms, I doubt anyone in his time would have understood any explanation of it.

    That's what teaching is for. They didn't understand the stuff he was teaching anyway, for the most part.

    People in his time didn't even know about the existence of the Americas

    I think you mean the people in his lands. The people living in the Americas at that time certainly knew of it's existance. In fact, old Roman coins were found by early explorers of the Americas and there are records indicating the Vikings and Chinese were visiting, as we as theories that the Phonecians made it.

    They thought the planets and stars were gods, so explaining how the sun was a giant ball of intensely hot gases instead of Helios driving his chariot across the sky or the Divine placing a big light in the sky for humans would have probably gotten you some funny looks back then.

    Someone at some point had to be the first to teach the world. That's kind of a weak excuse...

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