A discussion with the good Reverend....

by AK - Jeff 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary
    The fact that Jesus lived upon this earth and did miracles is a proven fact. The fact that Jesus died on that torture stake is a proven fact. The fact that Jesus rose bodily from the grave is a proven fact. 500 believers saw the risen Christ at one time.

    While I would like to believe that Jesus was the Messiah, died and rose from the grave, the Reverend's statement above does not "prove" anything. The scriptures indeed state that he died, rose from the grave and that it was witnessed by 500 people, but that in itself is not "proof" anymore than the men* who (supposedly) saw the golden plates that Joseph Smith supposedly received after getting a vision from the angel Moroni. The fact that these men verified and signed a statement that they saw it, does not mean it really happened (and I think we're probably all in agreement that there were no golden plates).

    *The Eight Witnesses were one of the two groups of witnesses who signed a statement (reprinted in the Book of Mormon) stating that they had seen the golden plates which Joseph Smith, Jr. said was his source material for the book. The other prominent group of Book of Mormon witnesses who said they saw the plates are called the Three Witnesses.

  • PSacramento

    I think the good reverand needs to be far more christian and far less judgmental.

  • poppers

    Why do people write 'marked' in a thread? A bit pointless?

    So we can easily find it again in our "Topics Posted On" and read through it when we have the time.

  • GromitSK

    Hi Jeff

    What an interesting exchange. Doesn't the 'mouth speak out of the abundance of the heart' sometimes LOL? He would probably have been more correct to say that you, in all likelihood, have nothing to look forward to in the long term except the cold grave he refers too (given your 10% wiggle -room, unless of course there is some ongoing existence about which it would appear you have insufficient information to form a definitive view - a perfectly reasonable position to adopt IMHO).

    On the other hand he has the conviction and certainty afforded by his beliefs. I am sure that is a tremendous comfort when he is talking to those who have accepted his position with regard to the Bible. For those of us who haven't however there is one flaw in his argument - it's bollocks.

    I don't think it is necessarily a waste of time debating with people like this. Not because you will alter their view, I think that is most unlikely, but because those reading the dialogue who may be uncertain have an opportunity to consider the arguments advanced.

    More power to your elbow mate.

  • nykid

    Some of these pastors and reverends are even bigger hypocrites than many of Jehovah's witnesses.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Jeff, thank you for posting the interesting exchange and even more, thank you for editing his responses down to an almost readable level. That guy goes on and on. . . . . .

  • awildflower

    I think the good reverand needs to be far more christian and far less judgmental.

    Sorry PSac, I can't resist. I think the reverand is representing Christianity quite well!

  • PSacramento
    Sorry PSac, I can't resist. I think the reverand is representing Christianity quite well!

    LOL !

    Unfortunately, you may be right because I think that most people view that as a typical christian attitude.

  • awildflower

    Well I'm glad we can share a laugh together anyways, lol.

  • PSacramento

    Hey, I may call myself a Christian because I see Jesus as my lord and saviour, but I am painfully aware of all the crap that comes with that "title".

    Maybe I should create a new name, one more "jesus" like and less "Born again"...

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