How did you treat people?

by captain 19 Replies latest jw friends


    I was a JW Kid..

    I was brought up to be Superior to Everyone..

    I`m still better than you!..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • sacolton

    I automatically judged them. Sized them up and determined if they were worthy of living on Paradise Earth. Behind the smile, I knew you were bird food.

  • zoiks

    Just this past weekend I was able to apologize to a fellow fader who had started his fade years ago. I was a judgmental prick, but I am grateful for the opportunity to right some wrongs.

  • cantleave

    I was soooo judgemental, but I was still very tolerant compared to other elders. I really regret it now. I have since made up with my DF'd best friend and apologised profusely.

  • peaches

    i always felt deep sorrow for anyone "in trouble"....if they were disfellowshipped,,,,i would go up to them during the meeting and give them hugs in front of everyone...we were not suppose to speak to them,,,but no one ever said you couldn't touch them....i was not well liked by the congregation and didn't like the puishment aspect of things...

    i got my ass in trouble more than once,,,

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    I love you, Peaches.

  • ziddina

    I didn't "pre-judge" people as much as I was furious at them... Mostly JWs, that is...

    Which I didn't realize until, one day when my (now EX...) JW husband turned to me after we'd just met some JW while we'd been traveling - in Iowa, or someplace like that...

    He said, "You acted like you HATED that guy!"

    I'd heard a similar comment from an older sister when I was a teen; she'd just introduced me to some young sister around my age who was: pioneering, working almost full-time to support her aged, crippled, wheelchair-bound mother/grandmother/aunt something, and attended all the meetings faithfully...

    I was NOT thrilled about being dragged up to meet a 'saint', with the older sister thinking that 'we' could become "friends"... And I reacted very negatively...

    In light of those two experiences, I realized that I really didn't like ANYTHING "Witness"...

    It was my gut-level reaction to being dragged into the cult and forced to continue associating with people that I really held in contempt... Starting with my lying, hypocritical parents...

    That scripture describing the Pharisees' description of Jesus' followers kept coming to my mind: "But these people who follow him are accursed people!"

    Under-educated, poverty-striken, socially stunted, often with mental/emotional handicaps... I hated being around them; I hated being ONE OF THEM...

    That's a really honest statement; hope it doesn't offend people here...


  • LittleSister

    I was lost in judgmental hell and hated people, but I found the way out and now I love most people and try never to judge anyone.

    Do I feel guilty, sometimes, but I think a better use of my energy is to try to repair relationship where I can, help others and build new friendships.

  • daringhart13

    I got counseled more than once for talking to DF'd people.

    In fact, I would call them on the phone.....even gave them a ride to meeting if they needed it.

    Yeah.....I was 'bad'

  • upnorth

    As a Witless I was better then everyone by default, it was their problem.

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