Had Jehovah actually LOVED man He would not have condemned him to death in the first place. He would have diciplined man as a learning and growth experience.
That's long been my feeling on the matter-----even when I was a fairly dedicated Witness, I simply could not comprehend how eating a freaking apple was enough to justify the punishment. Remember that one stupid illustration in the Live Forever book that showed a child being wheeled into an operating room with her parents close by and the caption read: 'would you let your child go through a painful operation if the end result saved them?' or something like that. I remember thinking "um, if I had the power to heal my child without them having to go through a painful operation, then why wouldn't I just do that?"
Punishing Adam and Eve with death because they ate some fruit that they were told not to, would be equivalent to a parent murdering their child because they ate a cookie before supper when you told them not to. And then murdering your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren, etc. because of what their parents and grandparents had done.
Makes no damn sense to me.