So how mature were Adam and Eve? was Adam created with a Child like mentality? apparentely not because God address him as an adult. Then Adam spent time by himself, therefore he became more experience, he gained knowledge he just didnt know how to classify it. Now was Eve created with a child like mentality? with the same mentality as Adam when he was created or with the advanced mentality that Adam had now that Eve was created?
If she wasnt as mature as Adam, then Gods own Son who was far more advanced, intelligent and experienced than Adam and Eve deceived Eve who had a very inmmature mentality. Sort of like deceiving a little girl. That I would call the God syndrome.
So God gave Adam the tasks of having lots of sex, rule his offspring and name animals. Would all those tasks make Adam smarter, wiser? Now the task of naming animals brings another point. Names are just words that are part of a languange. If the animals didnt have names it means that the language God gave Adam was incomplete since it lacked the words to describe animals. The language was faulty. Adam corrected that and he completed the languange adding the words to describe the animals. I wonder what other words were missing in that vocabulary? Since the language lacked animal names I wonder how God called them when he created them. "furry things"?
Now how smart was to give him that task when only four generations after Noah, There would be tons of other new languages that this time did have animal names.