Adam had been tasked to name the animals so this would have been an extensive task on it's own.
Really now...
Of what possible benefit is it to "name" the animals? There was no science, no genus and differentia, no schools, no classrooms, no books, no
libraries, no zoos or tourists.......?
It wasn't until there was an Eve that Adam could even say, "Hey, see that four-legged thing over there? I call that a 'Glickschmick'."
You point at something and make a sound: "Blug-ugh". Now, that becomes a name. So what? Who cares? No benefit! (I guess Eve named the children and Adam named the beasties!)
JUST PLAIN SILLY. This is a children's fable.
The kid asks, "Why do they call it a Tiger?"
Mom gets out her bible and begins to read........." Adam was tasked to name all the animals...."
That satisfies the child without giving the kid ANY USEFUL INFORMATION WHATSOEVER!
The story really falls apart when you start ACTUALLY THINKING about it!