Is Jehovah Telling the Governing Body to Shut Down?

by metatron 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • tiki

    They are stuck in the past. Business is an ever-changing environment and to stay afloat, a lot of sophistication, creativity and innovation is required. The old boys simply do not have it. The only thing that they have as a plus is that hefty legal department. Knorr was a businessman who knew how to manipulate a large corporation...but he left no real successors. Plus, the timeframe in which he reigned supreme, business was a hierarchical structure. Today's trend toward boundaryless and transparent organizations is simply not something they have any comprehension of. As far as celestial wallets, that is just plain absurd.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Losing big $$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • metatron

    I continue to ask everybody what is the outcome? It's difficult to imagine how this all ends. Publishers keep coming in and some get baptised but the money keeps shrinking. Do they ever say, 'what's the point of all this?'

    I'm not ruling out anything in regard to Witless behavior. How far can they go with this 'I'll attend the meetings but not contribute anything' scenario?


  • cantleave

    How can they be losing $$$$$$$$$$$$? They have real estate coming out of every possible orifice!

  • thetrueone

    The Corporation is actively trimming their costs in an effort to keep themselves afloat.

    The general population for most part has made itself aware of apocalyptic cults such as the JWS who

    are out pushing literature. Now with the advent of the inter-net and the age of information its making things even harder

    for cults like this to survive.

    It still can be it has to do with with careful invasive scrutiny .

  • designs

    Remember when it is said the Apostles rolled the dice to choose the replacement; its kinda like that.

  • Pistoff

    The decision to move out of New York will be regarded as a watershed event for the WT, in my opinion.

    To be located in NYC is prestigious, even if they don't admit it or even realize it; rank and file would be excited to see the WT buildings in shots of NYC or in movies. It was and is exciting to visit NYC. What is exciting about visiting the home of zombies who live in the middle of nowhere?? Will there be auto tours to the hills of NY and NJ to see the upper NY hillbillies?

    This is a huge stumble, IMHO; a big loss of visibility and prestige.


  • minimus

    These are the Metatron threads that I miss!

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    while Governing Body members toss and turn without rest, wondering why Jehovah has closed his Celestial Wallet.

    They will never lose a minutes sleep over what is happening. The org is split into multiple companies to prevent it all going down. There will always be enough in the coffers to keep the GB and supporting cronies in the manner to which they are accustomed, absolute luxury.


  • metatron

    Cantleave, it's like this: suppose you own a nice house but have no job. Are you poor? Losing money? You have assets but not income.

    The Watchtower has a huge pile of assets, especially real estate, but cash flow is a different story. Contributions just aren't what they used to be. In addition, I'm not sure how they can sell off all of their buildings in Brooklyn. What can you do with a factory these days? Would they be allowed to convert all of them to apartments? Even with that conversion, can you find a buyer in this economy?

    Yes, I think moving out of NYC lowers what little prestige they have. More than that, it suggests to me that they don't have a great need to be located in a port city or major transportation hub like NYC. The "preaching work" isn't what it used to be.

    The huge drop in contributions is, in my opinion, the greatest secret in this organization - and ever naive and loyal Witlesses are eager to deny it.

    This sets them up for disaster as the Governing Body maintains a false image of invincibility and of having absolute support from Jehovah Himself while braindead Witless cultists loyally deny that any problem with contributions exists. After all, admitting that would be tantamount to denying the Organization itself!

    Talk about being painted into a corner! The more they exalt themselves, the more screwed they are. After all, brothers, what are you worried about? Jehovah will always provide (NOT!) unless.................the "preaching work" is at an end. Right?


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