Is Jehovah Telling the Governing Body to Shut Down?

by metatron 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I don't doubt your figures but I would say that their internal costs/liabilities have gone up and they are stuck with cutbacks as a result

    I am quite sure you are correct in that Metatron. However I do not see the org disappearing anytime soon. No matter whatever happens they will retain a small corporation at least that collects revenue from members to keep the GB and cronies in their soon to be built Cult HQ.

    It's worth reading up on Rutherford's Beth Shan (NOT Beth Sarim) and noting the similarities to the new proposed HQ at Warwick. Very rural, self sufficient, underground bomb shelter, (now called below ground parking for 750 vehicles), vehicle repair facilities, (good excuse for large underground fuel store as per Beth Shan), own water/sewerage system. Ideal place for a relatively few select members to live through Great Tribulation, Terrorist Attacks, Armageddon, Nuclear War, Depression etc etc.


  • streets76

    The WT is a business that has finally run out of dumbass customers.

    They need to redefine themselves, their product, their business model, and their customers.

    Somehow, they need to find a way to make it "cool" to be a JW.

    How they gonna do that?

  • flipper

    The alleged " Jehovah " ( really the WT society leaders in drag ) is telling the governing body to continue manipulating the JW members through lies such as an " overlapping generation " theory so they can keep their game going longer into the 21st century. So they can continue to bilk $$$ out of older JW members through ( drumroll please ) suggesting donations through- trust funds, inheritances, jewelry, members real estate holdings, wills, life insurance policies, automobile donations , and whatever ELSE the leaders of this cult can get their grimy little hands on. They are trying to keep their game going- not shut it down

  • shamus100

    Metratron threads = 3/4 reality, 1/4 conjecture. Is this what's really happening? I sure hope so, but I don't think so.

    I never miss your threads even if I don't post on them.

  • thetrueone

    Flipper says it right, the GB want very much to keep the game afloat, they just have to adjust themselves to make them appear viable

    to the JWS who are already in and the little fishes they can hook.

    The WTS. was always about power and money, over a century of collecting money in various ways they have accumulated

    a billion dollars in assets, that's still a allot of money and power to not lose and they fully intend to hang on to it for as long as they can.

    Jehovah has nothing to do with these men and never have.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Somehow, they need to find a way to make it "cool" to be a JW.

    Never has been, never will be


  • thetrueone

    The mention of them changing the generation prophecy shows how easy it is for these guys to spin The Word to suit themselves

    and they have NO ONE to answer to.

    They make the rules for themselves in their own little kingdom, a convenient arrangement for

    a publishing company who labels itself as the true voice of god.

  • shamus100

    Being a JW is cool.

    If you want to be self-righteous.

    If you want to feel important wearing a suit and a briefcase and have no education.

    If you want to feel like you have power over people.

    If you want to feel like you're going to survive armageddon and laugh at everyone while they die.

    Being JW is really really cool. Some people get off on that.

  • thetrueone

    Good one Shamus100 , that really explains why people hang on to the organization.

    This organization is full of corruption right from the top all the way down to the very bottom.

  • ldrnomo

    Is Jehovah Telling the Governing Body to Shut Down?

    If there is a Jehovah and he, she, it is telling the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to shut down, why would they listen to him now?

    1. They didn't listen when it told them, people were dying unnecessarily because of thier interpretation on blood.

    2. They didn't listen when it told them to uncover all pediphilia in their ranks.

    3. They didn't listen when it told them they were destroying families because of their shunning policies.

    4. They didn't listen when it told them they would be much more effective if they started spending their time helping people instead of bothering them at their door.

    I hope that I am still alive to see it when they do their final shutdown.

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