Was thinking about this new generation teaching, and to some extend it makes sense, let me explain.
First of all, I personally believe, it only applied to Jesus time, it only made sense there, and when Jesus talked about it, in the year 33, this generation certainly observed the events leading to Jerusalems destruction 70 CE. ( even though the context does not really give much hint, since he talks about the sign of the son of man being seen in heaven etc, something that did not happen in the first century)
The main question is, What is a generation ?
People born at the same time or contemporaries ?
In some way, the overlapping idea does make sense:
example: lets say John was born 1910. he died 1990.
Jack was born 1912, he died 1995.
No doubt, John and Jack were of the same generation. So when did the generation of John and Jack die ? 1990 or 1995 ?
You could say, his generation died 1995.So its obviuos, that the lifespan of people of one generation does overlap, and even extend the timeframe of one generation.
How long can people be born apart, and still be of the same generation ?
another example: lets compare John born 1910 with Sam born 1930. Are they from the same generation ? If Sam is still alive, does it mean the generation of John is still in existance ?
How far apart can people be born and still be considered as of the same generation ? 5, 10 even 20 years ?
This explanation could work, however it would buy the Borg just a few additional years, because at one point even those born let say 1930 would die without seeing the end. but it buys a few years, and would even revive the idea of urgency.
The other approach, often discussed here, and explained in the WTS, is that the simple overlapping of lives. les say, with John born 1910, dying 1990, and let say Jack born 1980, dying 2060. Their life overlapped 10 years.
If the generation would only mean contemporaries, this can work, because John and Jack were contemporaries for 10 years...
But this would extend the possible end to a far future, and the urgency might not work as well....
Interestingly, the 1995 change introduce the idea of contemporaries, applied to wicked poeple,now it just changed to anointed ones.
thanks for reeading, I appreciate any input,