JW's: Did You Tattle-Tale To The Elders When You Heard Things?

by mentallyfree31 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot


    I never got hounded, once we moved here it was just 'understood' I was evil.

    Come to think of it my alleged evilness probably kept many off the radar of the hounders......

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I was told by my mom that I would be guilty before JH if I didn't tell the elders what I saw if it was a wrongdoing. Guilted thusly, I told on two people. I never told based on gossip. I figured everyone knew already.

    I was a teenager at that time and trying to do the right thing and what was expected of me. I told her what I saw and she counseled me so.

  • lesabre

    only at my JC.... let a couple people have it. i had a JC because someone, i'm assuming 2 people, said that i "got pregnant before getting married, and was the only reason i got married so fast"..... wich was a TOTAL lie.... so i told the elders what THEY were doing. (they were the only ones i suspected, and of course i had stuff on them that was TRUE) felt good, but nothing happened to them. my worldly husband is still mad that i WENT to the JC at all....

  • Heartbreaker

    I can recall one time specifically. This particular "friend" would come around when I was newly married, to our house, and we also worked at the same company. He made me uncomfortable, and wouldn't catch a hint to leave us alone.

    One day at work this story is going around about how he was so drunk at a bar that he couldn't drive out of the lot right, and wrecked his car a few blocks away. I told the elders, at the time thinking I needed to get him help (because you know all elders are lawyers, and detox and AA trained) This person did most definately have a drinking problem.

    Now that I'm an adult, I know I did it because I found him irritating. I only regret that I played along with a silly game, the JC.

    I kept far more secrets, still do...some of them maybe I shouldn't have.

  • Girlie

    I stayed away from the elders.

  • blondie

    Repeat gossip...........why.............if I hadn't heard it or seen it..........

    I was a victim of untrue gossip....I wouldn't even listen to gossip.

  • babygirl30

    NOPE! Frankly didn't CARE what others did or were doing...so there was NO reason for me tell. On the OTHER hand, I was up to my 'dirt' - so didn't feel I had a RIGHT to 'tell' on ANYONE else.

  • mentallyfree31

    Thanks for the comments everybody.

    I'm drawing the conclusion that there is lots of dirty stuff going on in the congregations that NEVER gets told to the elders. I thought most people went to the elders when they knew things were going on, but according to the comments here it looks like I was wrong.



  • sooner7nc

    Never. I'm very proud of the fact that if I was in the mafia that my name would probably be something like Mikey Tight-Lips or Mike The Clam.

  • Snoozy

    Mentally free,You got a Elder deleted? What's that? lol

    No, I have never ever been a snitch!

    Except for one time..

    A JW gal tried to commit suicide unsuccesfully (or so she said), she had called me to let me know, and I later called them after going to make sure she was OK (she was at home) and told them. They arranged to come and talk with her..found out she had commited adultry and disfellowshipped her.

    I thought they would pray with her and give her guidence, boy was I wrong. They were having marrage problems before and the brothers sent out a 18 year old to counsel them..they were in their 30's..geeze.

    Someone snitched on a JW lady that let/ suggested I do her ironing in payment for taking me out in service and sometimes picking me up for meetings when we only had one car.
    It just so happened that I was ironing for money for another JW sister. That sister got really pissed when she found out and told the elders about the situation. They reprimanded the sister that had me ironing for gas money..she said I couldn't do it anymore as they explained to her that taking someone out in service and to meetings is expected of the JW's..I couldn't see the difference.

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