JW's: Did You Tattle-Tale To The Elders When You Heard Things?

by mentallyfree31 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    Yes, the elder's teenage son told me that he was engaging in "extra curricular activities" with the teenage neighbor girl. Long story short - the elder got deleted.

  • crapola

    Sorry to say I tattled more than once but only about things I actually saw. Now I'd say to each his own and forget about it.

  • hoser

    nope the elders cause more harm than good

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Never tattle-taled when I heard things. But I did tattle-tale on 2 things I saw just because I thought I had to. I even threatened my brother with going to the elders about something if he didn't do it.

    How stupid I was! I'm glad I woke up. Never again!

  • mindmelda

    LOL I only did that once when I saw an Elder's daughter at a movie making out big time with a worldly boy. She'd lied and told her parents she was going to a movie with a JW friend (female).

    They were covering for each other so they could date, apparently.

    But, this girl was really nasty to me when I worked for her parents, so I did it to get her in trouble. Revenge motivated entirely. Informing is always spiteful, I think.

  • finallysomepride

    never did, i preferred to stay off the radar

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Man, oh, man.

    I want to first make the distinction between snitchin' and informing.

    Snitchin' = I am in on the dirt, and decide to rat out associates for reduced sentence, out of bitterness, revenge motives, etc.

    Informing is being outside the situation, but coming across it. Motives may be clouded, though.

    Anyway, several times I informed the elders of a few rogue elders. At least twice, I had a few elders reprimanded. Boy, was I a hated little MS.

    The only time I informed on a "regular" person was when I was called in about a friend. They accused me of knowing about his sin (smoking). Now, I never saw him with my own eyes. I only heard about it from a good source. They also talked about his underaged drinking. Now, I did know about that. But, I decided to only answer questions about the party they knew about, and at that one, I didn't see him imbibe anything. (The elders also lied about the cooperation of the party host, who later looked at me with a legit "WTF? I didn't talk to them about sh!t!" when I "thanked him for telling the truth about the situation. The elder that tried to say I should have told them when it was at rumor stage was reminded by me that if that were the case, how would he like it if I told the elders about the people who complained to me about his business practices (amateur used car crook). He turned red and STFU. Anyway, he calls me and confesses about the smoking, and they leave me alone.

    Anyway, they publicly reprove the fool, and then, two days later, I am at a club listening to a reggae band, and this fool and his girlfriend are both smoking! I had to tell then, because I had just got on the elders case. Now I DID SEE IT WITH MY OWN EYES.

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