Jadeen, I assume you had living parents at that time. What did they think of the gift? Sort of usurping your parents position. I would have given them breath mints and mouthwash, wrapped nicely.
What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?
by minimus 146 Replies latest jw friends
I got pulled into the back room by two Elders because one of their wives found out that I went to Hooters. They told me that it would make me want to look at porn.
Blocking peoples view while carrying mics.
For studying with a woman in her 70's because I am a man and studying with women is inappropriate, I was 16.
Not studying for meetings.
Not commenting,
I stopped Pioneering after I got married and was told by an Elder that I had broken my promise to Jehovah, and that Jehovah may have forgiven me for that but I have to start doing more to be sure.
Darth plaugeis
Hair!!! My reasoning .... do we have to look like dorks all the time. I swear they measured my hair with a ruler.
I was counseled in High School, when an Elders daughter was seen making out like she was on the Titanic with another elders son. And the very same night she gave a talk about the dangers of dating. It IS WRONG!!! Since everyone was ratting me out on everything, I ratted her out. I was counseled by the Elders who were the Dad's. 2 years ago you said sister Polly was a good kisser and now you are informing us about what?? we could Public reproof you ... is that what you want?
True Story!!!!!!!!!
Simon Morley, my hubbie asked me if the elders apologized to you and cleared up the sister's misconception??? Probably not.
I was at a KH build with one of my brothers, married brother. My SIL was working in the food area but I was working with him on drywalling. We were just kidding around verbally, like some siblings do, and an older sister came up to me and told me I shouldn't be flirting with married brothers......first where does a sister get off telling me that....I told her the "married brother" was my sibling not my boyfriend and she was insulting. But she stuck to her opinion that I was giving the wrong impression. Everyone on the drywall team knew me and my brother and weren't stumbled. My brother talked to her privately and she went off in a huff and dragged her husband over. When he heard it he just laughed and told his wife she didn't have enough to keep her busy. But no apologies.
Simon Morley
Blondie: One did (whom I got along with after that very well) - the other (who never liked me and was always on my case) just cleared his throat and nodded in tacit agreement. It was suggested that I go to the sister and explain which I disagreed with. I suggested to the miserable one that he go back and explain as she came to him. "Seemingness of adultery" - sure found in 2nd Corinthians 14...
Blondie, my dad didn't think anything was wrong with it, but my mom rolled her eyes. She's the one who has tried curling it since I was little and she knows it's hopeless!
And I've always air dried my hair, so the blow dryer went out to my dad's shop- I figured he could use it on some of his projects!
Loling at Finally-Free! That same elder told the younger men that they should skip the local strip club while doing the business territories, but it was ok for him since he was more mature!
life is to short
I was counseled because it was over a 100 degrees out and we were supposed to work on the outside of the hall. I wore these shorts that came down to my knees very modest. This elder came up to me and said that it was not right to wear any kind of shots in Jehovah's house and I needed to go home immediately and change. He counseled me so belittling like I was a stupid child, and he said you of all people should know this because you were at Bethel. Also ticked me off because this elder was my age and they way he spoke to me was so stupid.
I was one of the first ones there as most JW's where I live are always late. I went home and changed came back and everyone else were wearing shorts. I just looked at the elder and he said not one word to me.
Well first the off, at seventeen it was side burns that were down to my ear lobe, and mustache, Drinking a beer on my front porch, Having more than three families at my house for dinner and playing the game Risk, saying it was not for Christians. Stupid Idiots!
Well first the off, at seventeen it was side burns that were down to my ear lobe, and mustache, Drinking a beer on my front porch, Having more than three families at my house for dinner and playing the game Risk, saying it was not for Christians. Idiots
>> Oh I forgot to mention that if I did not do what the Elders admonished me to do, I would be allowed have the privilege to handle the microphone anymore; I told them to Ram the microphone up there Ass.
>> Oh I forgot to mention that if I did not do what the Elders admonished me to do, I would (NOT) be allowed have the privilege to handle the microphone anymore; I told them to Ram the microphone up there Ass.