What Stupid Things Were You Counseled For?

by minimus 146 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Falling asleep in field service when I pioneered. I was working over 30 hours a week and that was when it was still 90 hours a months to pioneer. I was told it really upset the other sisters by falling asleep riding around in the car for hours on end in the county while the other sister totally treated me like crap anyway so why did they care?

    I was counseled for smoking when I was a in my early 20's. I never did smoke nor did I ever want to but the elders were sure that I did. I was counseled twice for that. The last time they thought they had me nailed because some stupid sister saw me. Yet they would not tell me who she was so I told them to bring her to me and I would tell her that she was wrong. Being they did not what me to know who the sister was they dropped it. I did find out who the sister was finally she did not know me. We had never talked together at all. Why she went to the elders about me still totally baffles me.

    I was counseled for dating my husband too long. Just me alone was counseled not my now husband. They told me that I would cause him to be deleted as an elder and I would ruin his life unless I quit dating him.

    The only one of these three where they were nice in talking to me was the falling asleep one the other times the elders were pointing there fingers in my face and raising their voices at me.

    Oh the good times and the feelings of such love.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    LostnFound ........welcome to the forum. Not all people will look at this thread and see your first post here. Would you consider starting a new thread with a short post, so more folks can see you are new and welcome you? Just a suggestion.

    Think About It

  • minimus

    Great thread!

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I was never counseled for anything, no one there gave a fuck about me.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    I was counseled for the "seemingness of adultery" - a fake bipolared, fibromyalgied, chemical sensitive, nod at every talk statement sister saw me having lunch with a woman whom I was seen hugging and giving a kiss on her cheek. After letting the "two" elders prattle on for about a 1/2hr (yes, they dove right in, not even giving me a chance to say anything) about the dangers of allowing these things to go to far I told them that it was my cousin visiting from the US - we had lunch at a hotel before she headed out to the airport. Had the sister been that bit more observant she would have seen my wife in the car out front, whom had left the lunch about 15 minutes before to get our car to take her to the airport.....I am sooooo glad that I am now 1 month away from being inactive and not having been at at meetings for 5 months as well.

    There are topics and posts like the ones posted here that have me asking - why was I such an idiot to get my family involved in this? I consider myself a reasonably smart individual - but I must have been brain-dead in the early 80's - residual effects of a misspent youth and drugs in the 60'70's?

  • Desilusionnee

    As a teen for the narrowness of my skirts/dress

    As a young adult for the length of my skirts (knee lentgh)

  • mindmelda

    For turning around to look at the clock too often during meetings when I was a teenager.

    The guy (an elder) who did it ended up beating the hell out of his wife and another guy who he thought she was having an affair with and going to jail.

    So much for his judgment. He was always correcting people, and he had bigger issues than anyone else, apparently.

  • Jadeen

    Counseled for my hair. It's fine, long, and straight- will not curl at all! But I was supposed to "do something" with it.

    When I graduated, an elder and his wife gave me shampoo, conditioner, and a blow dryer.

    Yeah, I felt a little insulted.

  • poor places
    poor places

    Let's see. There are so many moments of counsel to remember. This list is only about 2% of the things I've been counseled on.

    --length of my sideburns (shouldn't come more than halfway below the ear)

    --forgetting to bring a pen in field service

    --driving too fast in service

    --accidentally driving through a stop sign in service

    --not commenting enough

    --not being neat enough in general

    --having a lousy field service presentation

    --saying "um" too many times during a talk

    --not shaving

    --saying things that aren't totally true in a talk

    --messing up various kh jobs at various times in my life

    --listening to inappropriate music

    --hanging out with a girl alone in the kh

    --not flossing often enough (just kidding!)

    And the list goes on and on. After a while you get counseled by so many people on so many topics that you just dream about living an unregulated life. You wonder why these people are so obsessed with keeping everything about you up to standard, especially when you aren't even bothering them about anything. It's more than enough to drive you bats.

  • Finally-Free
    When I graduated, an elder and his wife gave me shampoo, conditioner, and a blow dryer.

    Wouldn't you just love to stick that blow dryer in his ass, full power, high heat?


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