Falling asleep in field service when I pioneered. I was working over 30 hours a week and that was when it was still 90 hours a months to pioneer. I was told it really upset the other sisters by falling asleep riding around in the car for hours on end in the county while the other sister totally treated me like crap anyway so why did they care?
I was counseled for smoking when I was a in my early 20's. I never did smoke nor did I ever want to but the elders were sure that I did. I was counseled twice for that. The last time they thought they had me nailed because some stupid sister saw me. Yet they would not tell me who she was so I told them to bring her to me and I would tell her that she was wrong. Being they did not what me to know who the sister was they dropped it. I did find out who the sister was finally she did not know me. We had never talked together at all. Why she went to the elders about me still totally baffles me.
I was counseled for dating my husband too long. Just me alone was counseled not my now husband. They told me that I would cause him to be deleted as an elder and I would ruin his life unless I quit dating him.
The only one of these three where they were nice in talking to me was the falling asleep one the other times the elders were pointing there fingers in my face and raising their voices at me.
Oh the good times and the feelings of such love.