ring of truth

by sayitsnotso 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frigginconfused

    Sorry for hijacking the thread. Should I post a new more in depth one?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    frigginconfused, you are experiencing the exact same thing many of us have and many of us still are.

    You've been programmed with the "where do we go away to?" dilemma by the Cult Mind Control of the Watchtower just like we all were. But the scripture they use DOESN'T EVEN SAY THAT. It says "WHO shall we go away to?"

    The answer is Jesus Christ. Develop a PERSONAL relationship with him through the Bible. As soon as you have time read Colossians chapter 1 and John chapter 14. Read several versions of it at BibleGateway and also in the NWT if you like. Pray according to what Jesus says in John 14.

    This was a big step for me and my family. I've stepped beyond the Bible and a literal Jesus at this point but my family are still believers in Christ and the Bible, much as a result of reading those two chapters WITHOUT any WTS literature or input. Just you, the words, and holy spirit.

  • frigginconfused

    I get what your saying. I think Im going to start a new thread so I can go more in depth about this. I really need help. Looking forward to introducing myself properly. See you all in a bit.

  • JWoods

    I think SINS is still sitting in front of Morpheus trying to decide whether to take the red pill or the blue pill...

    I don't think he was a troll... I think he is having his C of C right now and can't accept the evidence. He's trying to rationalize it away...and it ain't working.

    That is what I would LIKE to think, too - Undercover. But I cannot be completely sure.

    BTW, welcome to FriggenConfused.

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