OK - I couldn't keep away from this board - but I lasted longer than a week (Outlaw!)
Here I am sitting in the sun on a beautiful Sunday afternoon drinking beer catching up with the posts on this board.
I just had to write a message to anyone still attending meetings, despite knowing that they are a forum to propagate lies and deceit.
PLEASE - stop wasting the precious hours of your life doing something that you know is fruitless.
QUIT attending, don't worry about fading away slowly, i tried that, it was stressful and didn't work. JUST STOP!!!!!!
We stopped going to all JW meeting in March, we haven't been hounded and life has improved beyond anything we we could have anticipated. Our kids are happier, we are calmer and less stressed.
8 months ago I was elder, I am now a properly functioning human being. I haven't lost status just needless anxiety.
I haven't lost friends, if people no longer want to talk to me because I don't go to meetings or knock on doors, they aren't really friends.
My family will have to accept me for what I am.
As for work colleagues, they need to to communicate in order to get the job done, there is no need to talk about the cult or my position (or lack of it) within the congregation.
These things worried me and stopped me from doing what I knew was right for me and my family. Once I realised these things don't matter exiting was easy and natural.
So my friends don't worry about what might happen, just do what you know is right - get out and never go back to the Kingdom Hall.
Now I have said my piece I'm going to get another beer.