Yet one more thread on the new "generation".... Oh, Joy!

by undercover 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    I know, I know... some of ya'll are gettin' sick of this "generation" thing...

    But for whatever reason, I had not seen this actual quote from the DC talk (that or had not paid much attention to it until now).

    Seeing it in print really brought home how desparate they are to try to hang on to 1914 in whatever way they can.

    This shit is mind-blowing... Someone at Bethel is doing some good drugs, man...

    ...the “generation” referred to at Matthew 24:34 comprises of two groups of anointed
    The first group was on hand in 1914 when “the sign” of Christ’s presence began to be observed (Mt 24:3)
    The second group, made up of those who were anointed later, are for a time contemporaries of the older

    Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 indicate that some in the second group will witness the beginning of the “great tribulation”; hence, the length of the “generation” is limited

    To illustrate: F.W. Franz was born in 1893, baptized in 1913, and thus alive to discern “the sign” in 1914
    Since Brother Franz lived until 1992,, many present –day anointed ones were contemporaries of his and
    are part of the “generation” that Jesus said would not pass away “until all these things occur”

    Wow. Just fucking wow.

    Seriously?? (cue the SNL news team)

    The generation of 1914 - which was to see the end - is gone. Passed away. Just like the WTS said it wouldn't.

    Now they're trying to stretch this generation to include all of us, because, hey, we were alive while some of those old farts were still alive...


    Wait for it...

    "The length of this generation is limited"

    WTF?? It was already dead you dumb much more limited can it be than that? Yet, you resurrect it?

    This is the most convoluted bunch of shit they ever came up with. This beats 1975. This beats "oops, we didn't know there wasn't a zero year". This beats 607. This beats em all.

    I know if may be a pipe dream, knowing how little most dubs really do pay attention to what they're fed, but I really, really, really hope this causes more than a few to sit up and go, "Whaaaa?".

    If these few people who wake up and call BS on this and wake some more up, we've got the makings for a disturbance. If more and more start to wake, pretty soon we'll have a movement. The "boy, this shit is fucked up and I'm outa here" movement.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    Really! your going with seriously over really?!? really!

    J/K yeah I d/l the talk and read it (Increduously) but when I heard V's WT comments on it and saw how they tried to take it down Thats when I was like REALLY!!!

  • JWoods

    I told the two elders who came to beat me up over leaving the witnesses back in 1979 that this "generation of 1914" was going to eventually bite them in the butt.

    They asked me if I was not making a prophecy - I said NO, I AM JUST SAYING THAT THE 1914 GENERATION WILL DIE OFF, AND IT WILL BITE YOU IN THE BUTT BECAUSE ARMAGEDDON WILL NOT HAVE COME. It does not require you to be Jeremiah to realize that they cannot get a prophecy right on the end of the world, and that people only live a little over 100 years at the very most.

    One of those two elders has been dead for five years now.

    I wonder if the other one (who is my age) - even remembers that I told him that when they read this "two overlapping generations" crap.

  • straightshooter

    I agree that this is the most bizzare "enlightenment" that the WTS has came up with.

    I guess that desperation causes ones to reach for any explanation to justify their mistakes.

    But the worst thing is that many who believed in the original generation who were alive in 1914 will survive Armagedden is now left in a boat without a paddle.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wasn't planning to attend a Kingdom Hall EVER again but I may sneak in to one on June 13 (not my old way!) just to observe the BS session in action, take some notes, and then walk out.

  • moshe
    -just to observe the BS session in action, take some notes, and then walk out.

    Why not make a good comment while you are there? Or ask for the evidence that pertains to "evidently". You could do a lot of good.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Yeah but it's still the truth & armageddon is still coming.

  • changeling

    They surely know this makes no sense. They must be counting on the fact that most people don't really listen to the public talk all that intently and are in a rush to get the convention over with. For those who do pay attention, if they have half a brain they will have some serious self searching to do...

    Oh, but wait... DC public talks usually end up as WT articles in a few months... hopefully, this will open up a can a worms... but I doubt it...

  • sir82


    So 1 "generation" can be composed of 2 "groups".

    So why didn't Jesus say, then, at Matthew 24:34: "The second of 2 groups will by no means pass away until all these things occur..."

    That would have made things a heck of a lot clearer, wouldn't it?

    That Jesus! Always so obtuse and confusing! What a godsend we have in the GB, who can so artfully unscramble the true meaning behind such difficult-to-understand words as "generation".

    Topic for the October 15, 2016 Watchtower: "When Jesus said 'sparrow', what did he really mean? Was he instead referring to amoebas? The answer may surprise you..."

  • sd-7

    Evidently, a generation can be made up of individuals born 60-70 years apart from each other. Therefore, I, being born in the 1980s, can be referred to as a Baby Boomer, being of the same generation as my parents, who were born in the 1950s. In turn, I am also of the same generation of my grandparents, who were born in the 1920s and whose lives overlapped with mine. This generation thus passes the torch to....the same generation.

    Tell me that doesn't make perfect sense!

    Really, all of mankind is of the same generation, their lives having overlapped with each other, so...we could be 6,000 more years away from the end, or 6 seconds. Wise servants of God live as though it was the latter. the way, would you like a tract on Life in a--THE END!!!!

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