You're being far too vague.
by Psychotic Parrot 86 Replies latest jw friends
You're being far too vague.
PP... I think maybe what they're trying to say is, either there's no instruction manual or you have to write your own.
Could you at least tell me what i would have to do to experience the same?
I wish, with all my heart and all my spirit, that I could.
It is different for everyone and that is how it should be, you don't have a personal relationship with God via a "pre-planned route", know what I mean?
I can honestly tell you this though, God came to me when I LEAST expected it and in a way that I never thought possible.
The thing is, there wasn't a gray area, I knew what I was feeling, knew what I was hearing, knew what I was experiencing, there just wasn't room for doubt, it was that powerful.
In other words, you can't be told how to experience it because that defeats the whole purpose. It's something that simply has to be experienced.
To me that sounds a little sinister. I hope God will approach me in a less ethereal way, if he chooses to at all.
Why do you seem so happy about it? How can you be so fond of a God who operates in such a way? He has created an exclusive elitist club which is closed to many of us & if you don't see it as unfair that your wonderful experiences are denied to people like me then i would argue that you occupy the moral lowground on this one.
Actually, God is in every path that we follow, they may not all lead to God, but he is there.
There is no denying on God's part, God is simply and completely Love, love FOR ALL, even for those that, for whatever reason, don't find God untill the very end.
It really isn't about God, its about Us, I see that now, I wanted God to make himself know, to PROVE TO ME !!, that he WAS !
But the honest truth is, IF God had shown himself to me THEN, I would have be able to handle it.
But that is me, perhaps you are stronger, I hope that you are.
To me that sounds a little sinister. I hope God will approach me in a less ethereal way, if he chooses to at all.
Love is never sinister :)
And Yes, When God comes to you, it will be in a way that YOU will accept, forever.
I hope you're right. I'm not all that keen on most descriptions of God, but if God is pure love then i certainly don't want to miss out on that.
PP, I'm being purposefully vague. If I go into more detail I move from spirituality to religion and I sure as hell don't wanna do that. Suffice it to say, someone or something else is definitely in control. Of me, at least. I don't know about you. Maybe "it" has no desire to control your life. Perhaps you SHOULD be thankful for that.
When you stop insisting that God be something for you or give you something you want or think you need, perhaps a glimmer of light will get through. I think it is like something being transmitted all the time, but there needs to be a tool/receiver to experience it. We are each and every one operating like a unique receiver. I don't know....I'm just brainstorming it.