My feeling on the matter is that were God to genuinely exist, in any form, then none of those activities, or any other, transcendent though some of them may be, would be a way of reaching God. Those activities are ultimately, & at their core, very natural & down to earth human processes & i don't think a being such as God would be reachable through such means, not really. Those who claim to find God through such activities are in my opinion more likely finding their inner selves than God. But i suppose one could argue that God is our inner self, but i would call that yet another misuse of the word God.
If God really exists, then i doubt we could ever do more than infer it's existence through some highly detailed mathematical process, but even that would probably not satisfy everyone, & it would be particularly disappointing for those who feel that God is someone with whom one can have a relationship. As for me, i'm undecided on whether or not it would satisfy my curiousity, but i suppose i'll cross that bridge if i ever come to it.
As for the activities you've mentioned, i've tried some of them, but never for the purpose of finding God.