Are you an active Jw or an ex-jw?

by XPeterX 199 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StAnn

    I'm a CatholicXJW. But lately, I'm really just a Catholic. The JW thing becomes less and less defining as time goes by.


  • bamse

    The category "inactive" fit me best. I am trapped in. The Society has my children as hostages. Stopped meetingattendance and fieldservice two years ago.

  • WTWizard

    I stopped field circus altogether after June 2005--and I didn't even bother reporting that month. I quit boasting sessions after the REJECT Jesus Party of 2005; the last regular boasting session I attended was in late 2004.

  • zeroday*

    JW for 28 years DA'd myself 2004...

  • Titus


    Ministerial Servant.

    Conducted WT Study today. All elders were out of congr today. It was interesting to get the rays of the "new light" about the "Israel of God". When we were reading paragraph 16, I asked them three questions:

    "Why do we have to maintain Memorial today?" Answer was: "In rememberance of Christ's death."

    Then I asked: "The paragraph says that "observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal is not to continue endlessly". Why then we shall not have to remember Christ's death in the New System?"

    One brother answered: "Because, all anointed will fly on heaven, and nobody will partake of the emblems...."

    The third question was: "Why then we have to attend Memorial today if nobody partakes in our (or some else) congregation?" Everybody was confused. "What can we say on that, according to paragraph....?" I asked that, eventhough it is not in paragraph. Then one sister raised her hand and read the last sentence in paragraph: "If, though, those who will live forever on earth were entitled to partake of the emblems, then this Memorial meal would need to continue forever."

    Yes, it was pretty interesting today.


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Born-in but never baptised, stopped going to meetings at 18. I'm not much older than you are actually, only 22.

  • Tuesday


    actually Super Apostate :)

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Active - just. Born in, now mid 60's, baptised nearly 50 yrs ago. Now trapped in for the present due to family. Given up on TMS and not really regular in FS. Used to be very active. Woke up a couple of years ago when I surfed the net!


  • truthseekeriam

    Inactive for over a year now. In fact the DC is going on right now and I just remembered..LOL. That's a big thing, last year I struggled back and forth and ended up showing up on Sunday.

    I guess I am moving on.

  • marcopolo

    Im "inactivated." few time, 6months,

    I have understood the falsehood when I was.disfellowshiped 2 years agò. so read all that who JW not can read. . I be come back reentered for my family but now I don't go at meeting.

    with my wife is hard speak. maybe i and she be come separate.. is very hard.. but have do for my peace

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