Born into it,never bapstised, got out at 18 and never going back!
Are you an active Jw or an ex-jw?
by XPeterX 199 Replies latest watchtower bible
I guess I just became inactive. Haven't been out in FS in 3 months, and missed more meetings in the last 3 months than actually been. Not DF'd or DA'd. I'm going to just disappear.
Coffee House Girl
I have been inactive since September 2009, Elders are hunting me at the moment since they are mad I wouldn't sign a paper DAing myself & they think they have evidence now to DF me- but I am trying to avoid as long as possible
Born in 1978, baptized in 1993, finally me in 2009
Open mind
Active. Sort-of.
Couple meetings a month. A few phantom FS hours on paper.
I also carry collective bloodguilt for an entire territory that will never actually be worked.
Why be curious? It's plain as day that she doesn't want to be a jw but she may have reason not to want to be df'd like maybe family who are still in. Sheesh!
Baptised in 1968. Disfellowshipped for apostasy after 2 years of total inactivity and no contact in 2007. Yeah, it took me a loonnnnngggg time.
Sorry but I'm not hiding here. Mrs Jones is my real name. See that pic over there? That's me and my husband Mr Jones. If you stay long enough you might see pics of my kids. No hiding here. So is BANE your real name?
I'm a very active exJW.
I disassociated myself. I didn't do anything to get myself disfellowshipped and I wanted them to stop sheparding (bothering) me.
Neither. I'm just people,...