Why do all intelligent Christians disobey Jesus?
by StoneWall 347 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for that link Tammy :)
I recall someone once mentioning to me that Paul's "elected" was directed towrds the remenant of Israel.
I think Romans 11 addresses that...
Martin Luther is a man, no better or worse than the rest of us, and just as prone to making mistakes or having moments of greatness as us all.
Martin Luther:
“Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but - more frequently than not - struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God”
Funny he would say that since it was REASON that motivate him to rebel against the RCC.
I like yours better than mine, PSac.
Tammy, your link pretty much sums it all up, far better than I was able to.
Deputy Dog
So it's not enough that God loves you, you feel you should force God to love those he choses not. Sounds like you want to take that freedom from God. Do you love everyone?
You know taken at face value, the above words sound a lot like the one point in the opening video where he was
quoting Jesus saying to "Love your enemies" and yet many will try to find a workable solution around that part.
I guess I'm just saying it appears to say almost the same thing, just re-worded a bit.
Deputy Dog
Is it not enough that God loves me, but has predetermined that my daughter NEVER know that love, NEVER have a chance to know that love and will die and be tormented because of that?
No DD, I am sorry, God loving ME is not enough in that regard, no.
Does the term "selfrighteous" mean anything? I don't know or pretend to know who God loves and who he doesn't. But if you thought you could or should Judge God, wouldn't that require a huge amount of righteousness? You would have to possess more righteousness than God.
Deputy Dog
So you believe 1 John 2:1 teaches every person in the whole word will be saved?
Deputy Dog
Good point.
That's why I don't call myself a moralist. It's just another form or word for self-righteouness