Say NO to a mosque at Ground Zero!!
by Scully 108 Replies latest watchtower scandals
SIOA Rally June 6 Against Islamic Supremacist Mosque at Ground Zero
NEW YORK , June 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) is hosting a rally in lower Manhattan on June 6 at 12 o'clock noon, to protest the planned construction by Islamic supremacists of a large mosque overlooking Ground Zero.
SIOA is one of America's foremost organizations defending human rights, religious liberty, and the freedom of speech against Islamic supremacist intimidation and attempts to bring elements of Sharia to the United States .
Join SIOA's Facebook page here.
The SIOA No 9/11 Mosque Rally will be at the corner of Church and Liberty Streets, near Ground Zero. Supporting groups include the Freedom Defense Initiative; ACT for America (ACT Manhattan chapter); Z Street; SIOE; No Mosque at Ground Zero; Staten Island Tea Party ; American Bulldogs; VAST; the Center for Security Policy; Shalom International; the Unity Coalition for Israel ; 911 Families; Indian American Intellectuals Forum; Veterans Against Jihad (VAJ); and Faith Freedom International.
Speakers will include Nonie Darwish , ex-Muslim and author of Now They Call Me Infidel; Simon Deng , the Sudanese ex-slave and campaigner for human rights for Sudanese Christians; Nelly Braginskaya , a 9/11 Family Member who lost her son; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force; Anders Gravers of Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE); leader and human rights activist Dr. Babu Suseelan; Congressional candidates Michael Faulkner (NY Dist. 15), Dan Maloney (NY Dist. 4) and Gary Berntsen (NY Dist. 1); author Richard Connerney , a philosophy professor at Pace University ; and human rights activist Pamela Hall . Also speaking will be friends and relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks.
In addition, the rally will feature an inspiring performance by singing sensation Danny Santiago of Wounded Warriors.
Hosting the event are SIOA executive director Pamela Geller , the popular blogger and columnist who publishes the acclaimed blog, and SIOA associate director Robert Spencer , the bestselling author and director of Geller is the author (with Spencer) of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America (Foreword by Ambassador John Bolton ), coming July 27 from Simon & Schuster.
Building the Ground Zero mosque is not an issue of religious freedom, but of resisting an effort to insult the victims of 9/11 and to establish a beachhead for political Islam and Islamic supremacism in New York . Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an open proponent of Sharia, Islamic law, a system that denies the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law.
Abdul Rauf has said that "an Islamic state can be established in more then just a single form or mold. It can be established through a kingdom or a democracy. The important issue is to establish the general fundamentals of Shariah that are required to govern." Thus it is clear that this mosque will teach Sharia, Islamic supremacism, and the denial of basic rights.
Abdul Rauf and other mosque organizers have been inconsistent and deceptive about whether their planned Islamic Center at Ground Zero will contain a mosque; ultimately they have admitted that it will. Belying his claim that this mosque will become a place for interreligious harmony, he has told the Arabic press: "I don't believe in religious dialogue."
Abdul Rauf has been deceptive on other occasions as well. He has told the English-language press that mosque funding will come entirely from Muslims in America, while telling the Arabic-language press that many Muslim countries are contributing to funding for the mosque. His wife Daisy Khan has trivialized and insulted the memories of the victims of the 9/11 jihad attacks by saying that the mosque is intended to "make something positive out of 9/11."
SIOA is calling upon the Imam Feisal and other mosque organizers to withdraw their plans for the Ground Zero mosque in the interests of mutual understanding and mutual respect. Ground Zero is a war memorial, a burial ground. Respect it.
For more information, contact Pamela Geller at [email protected]
SOURCE Stop the Islamization of America
We need to have somebody put up a baby back rib stand on the street right in front of their entrance. Maybe hold some bikini contests and drinking contests. Draw cartoons of Mohammed on the sidewalk. We'll see how much everybody is in favor of cultural diversity then.
I love all of these ideas, including the mosque.
Justitia Themis
Old news:
Newer news:
A mosque at ground zero?
By Jeff Jacoby Globe Columnist / June 6, 2010 |
- IS GROUND ZERO the right place for a major new mosque and Islamic cultural center? Cordoba House is a 15-story, $100 million development to be built just 600 feet from where the World Trade Center stood; the plans include the mosque, a 500-seat auditorium, swimming pool, restaurant, and bookstore.
Discuss COMMENTS ( 18 ) The prospect of an Islamic center so close to ground zero is, not surprisingly, controversial. Many relatives of Sept. 11 victims are strongly opposed. One group, 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, calls Cordoba House “a gross insult to the memory of those who were killed on that terrible day.’’ But the project also has strong political support. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer are among its backers, and Cordoba House was endorsed by lower Manhattan’s Community Board No. 1 in a near-unanimous vote last month.
Of particular interest are the views of leading Muslim moderates — Muslims known for their commitment to tolerance and pluralism, and for their opposition to all forms of radical Islam.
One such individual is Zuhdi Jasser, a physician, US Navy veteran, and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
Jasser reminisced last week about his family’s history of building mosques in the heartland communities where they lived. His parents, Syrian immigrants to the United States, helped create the Fox Valley Islamic Center in Neenah, Wis., in 1980. “This was during the Iranian hostage crisis,’’ he recalled, “and some of the local residents wanted the Zoning Commission to prevent the mosque from going forward.’’ But the commissioners gave their blessing to the project, and the modest mosque — the construction budget was just $80,000 — became part of the neighborhood. Later the family later moved to western Arkansas, where they joined with others to create the Islamic Center of Fort Smith. As recently as March, Jasser came out in support of Muslims in Sheboygan, Wis., whose plans for a new place of worship were meeting with vocal resistance.
But he adamantly opposes the ground zero mosque.
“For us, a mosque was always a place to pray, to be together on holidays — not a way to make an ostentatious architectural statement,’’ Jasser said. “Ground zero shouldn’t be about promoting Islam. It’s the place where war was declared on us as Americans.’’ To use that space for Muslim outreach, he argues, is “the worst form of misjudgment.’’
Equally opposed is Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, a devout Muslim and director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism in Washington.
Schwartz notes that the spiritual leader of the Cordoba Initiative, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, describes himself as a Sufi — a Muslim focused on Islamic mysticism and spiritual wisdom. But “building a 15-story Islamic center at ground zero isn’t something a Sufi would do,’’ according to Schwartz, also a practitioner of Sufism. “Sufism is supposed to be based on sensitivity toward others,’’ yet Cordoba House comes across as “grossly insensitive.’’ He rejects Rauf’s stance that a highly visible Muslim presence at ground zero is the way to make a statement opposing what happened on 9/11. Better, in his view, is the approach of many Muslims “who hate terrorism and who have gone privately to the site and recited prayers for the dead silently and unperceived by others.’’
Ali al-Ahmed, a Saudi native who founded the Institute for Gulf Affairs and is an advocate for civil rights and religious freedom in the Middle East, hopes for the best from Cordoba House. “A mosque should be a good thing,’’ he told me. But he worries about the number of Americans who may be “hurt and upset’’ by the project, and wonders whether a mosque is really the best thing for Muslims to build so close to ground zero. Why not something less emotionally charged, he asks — a social-service agency, perhaps, or an assisted living center for the elderly?
Muslims must take the feelings of Americans into account, Ahmed contends. He cites no less an Islamic authority than the Imam Ali, Mohammed’s influential son-in-law. “Reconciliation of your differences,’’ says Imam Ali in the collection of teachings known as the Peak of Eloquence, “is more worthy than all prayers and fasting.’’
Will a mosque at ground zero make reconciliation more likely? Or will it needlessly rub salt in the unhealed wounds of 9/11?
Jeff Jacoby can be reached at [email protected].
© Copyright 2010 Globe Newspaper Company.
Broken Promises
The mosque is not at Ground Zero. Chill out peoples.
Justitia Themis
If you think this thread is emotional, you should read the other thread that I's downright ugly...
Such hysteria. A mosque *near to* Ground Zero is a good idea. A little bit of tolerance for fellow Americans with different beliefs can only be a good thing.
Would this be like a group of neo-nazis proposing to build a replica of Auschwitz in downtown Tel Aviv?
Would this be like a group of neo-nazis proposing to build a replica of Auschwitz in downtown Tel Aviv?