Why not make a true religion?

by frigginconfused 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    "At stake is the freedom to pursue spiritual truth untrammeled by arbitrary restrictions and the right to enjoy a personal relationship with God and his Son free from the subtle interposition of a priestly nature on the part of a human agency."

    Friggin, those words are the words of a man who had to be thrown out of "true religion" because religious organizations make laws that we are bound to break.

    Jesus was seen as a law breaker too.

    BE a Christian, TALK to others. You do on this forum, so just keep on..

    Just don't strong arm any one.

  • frigginconfused

    nope. never thrown out of any religion. I dont want to strong arm anyone.

    I want to see people free and enabled.

  • notverylikely

    I can imagine how Tesla felt about what he knew. It was simple physics to him. But magic to an onlooker.

    Did you really just compare your foggy idea about an idea for a religion to one of the greatest scientific minds of our age?

    Talk about hubris....

    I want to see people free and enabled.

    Then how about NO religion...

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Question: So religion has been around a long time but do you think that God wants us doing religion?

  • StAnn

    One of the big problems is that no two people on this board are going to agree on the definition of "true".


  • Snotrag

    The biggest problem is nobody knows what is true. There is no mortal who can say the truth of the matter, it is all speculation.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Friggenconfused, meet Existentialism.

  • StAnn

    "I dont want to strong arm anyone.

    I want to see people free and enabled."

    Friggin Confused, does that include JWs? I mean, in your world, are they enabled to freely worship the GB? To them, it is a true religion.

    This is the problem with these kinds of ideas; you have to let any nut in.


  • frigginconfused

    notverylikely Instead of going on the attack and saying I was showing hubris, maby you should take the time to figure out what Im trying to say.

    I used Tesla because he was sure of what he knew even though the world wasnt ready to hear it.

    And as far as no religion at all...

    The whole point of this thread is to figure out why there is no true religion and if so how can one be started.

  • frigginconfused


    The biggest problem is nobody knows what is true. There is no mortal who can say the truth of the matter, it is all speculation.

    Its not that complicated. The thing that does the greates good for the largest number of people in a peacfull way is all you need.

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