How could we all get along better together???

by Celtic 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • WindRider

    And one more quick thought to ponder: For those of us who used to be JW's...... would we have responded favorably, seen the light,if we were treated to personal slights, name-calling, etc. by those who supposedly were trying to help us see the society for what it is, a fallible, harmful, man-made religion? I know it would not have worked with me. If anything it would have just given me the excuse I needed to ignore whatever pertinent facts I had been shown about the "truth" and just write it off to the bitter ramblings of rude, unfriendly, crass apostates...just like the society warned me against.

    Sincerely, Windrider

  • Celtic

    Very true

  • Xena

    Try to remember we don't know where someone is coming from when they post...maybe they are having a bad day...going through a tough time...hurting in someway. Give people the benefit of the doubt before flying off the handle.

  • Celtic

    For as much as you are indeed a balmpot and a half, I think I'm falling in love with you Xena, your'e such a sweetheart.

    Anyone else? What about practical measures? Any suggestions?

    Kind regards


  • JerryTX

    Why do we need to get along better? I think the question is rather shallow.

    People are at different stages of their recovery from the Watchtower.
    Some need to scream. Some need to rant. Some need to blow off steam. Some need an intellectual slant. Some need a gentle listening ear and kind support. Some have matured past needing this group and move on.

    I have always seen acceptance here even when people have an explosion. There are always some that usually wish them well and encourage them to keep posting. I don't think you could find a better group of people to help you in your healing past the WT experience. There will always be friction here. There will always be healing here. There will always be people here who don't agree with you, and agree with you. Who like you, who can't stand you. Who piss you off, and those who will be your good friends.


    "The truth will set you free--but first it will make you damn mad."

    M. Scott Peck - "The Different Drum"

  • Celtic

    Yes Jerry of course.

    I'm asking the question though from outside of my perspective only, if you get my drift, but cheers anyway.

    All the best!!


  • larc


    I don't think the question to be at all a shallow one. I see it as a very important one. Since coming here over a year ago, I have seen really good posters leave in disgust. I have seen others greatly reduce their contributions. Through private emails, I have learned of dozens of emotional JW fence sitters who were driven from this place because of the hatred and vilification expressed here. I have seen dozens of attacks on individuals, not on their ideas mind you. I have seen new posters referred as trolls and driven off, when in fact, they were not trolls. I have seen people in great pain, cross examined as if they were in a court of law, rather than in a support group, which is what I think this should be.

    I know, I know - freedom of speech. If you want to use that freedom to injure others, I guess that is your right. Anger, anger - I know. So, it is your right to verbally assault an innocent bystander. I suppose so.

    Note: the last paragraph is not directed at you personally. "You" is used here in the general sense, as in you the reader.

  • JerryTX

    Ah, no offense taken, and no offense given, I hope, Larc, Celtic.

    I just remember when I first got out of the Borg I was seething with anger. So when posters go absolutely bonkers, I try to understand.
    It's so easy to twist off because your nerves are raw. Of course, this can certainly vary, but many people lost their entire family, all their friends, all in a single moment. I know it can make you angry in the extreme, and it can stay with you a long time. This isn't a place that attracts healthy, healed, balanced, peaceful individuals necessarily.

    I see that some posters feel driven off. Is it because they don't want to, or are tired of dealing with the neurotic behavior one should *expect* from people who have been badly hurt by a religious cult? Or maybe they have matured past the point of *needing* to post here? Maybe both?

  • Celtic

    Certainly no offense taken, at least you took the time to reply, which I appreciate, plus everyone has a valid point to make, I respect that too, or at least, that is what I too am trying to learn.

    Thanks guys!!

    Kind regards


  • Xena

    Hey Jerry,

    You are right there are people in different stages of recovery...and there will ALWAYS be people who don't agree but I think we ALL need to try and remember that on the other side of the usernames are REAL PEOPLE dealing with their own issues and problems and try and be sensitive to that.

    This does't mean we can't still argue over the issues...just don't drag it down to a personal name calling level that's least as I see it.

    Celtic you are making me now stop it!

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