SERENITY NOW- In your first dream it seems to me it indicates you are in a struggle of some sort in your conscious life, daily with someone else, or SOMETHING else and you are trying to fend it off from bothering you but you can't repel it away from you because your bullets won't penetrate. You seem stuck in a battle with something. You get headaches because it's exhausting to keep battling whatever it is. Only question is : Ask yourself WHAT are you battling , yet feeling stuck with or unable to overcome ?
Your 2nd dream - I think you hit it accurately that the broken lock may indicate you were insecure in your childhood with the father situation. I find it interesting that in spite of having your own apartment in this dream- you choose to live with your mom , sister, and nephew in your childhood home. To me it indicates a feeling of MORE security with your mom and relatives - yet perhaps you have fears of being , or living alone.
LOZHASLEFT- In your first dream it seems to indicate that you have concerns about pleasing lots of people - and you get what I call " stage fright" in your life with expectations that you will fail to please others. It's like you are really worried about pleasing others.
In the second dream- I see a bit of what I saw in the first dream. To me- the fact you went with this celebrity to her hotel, yet it had no doors indicates you felt possibly TRAPPED in the situation without possibility of exiting the circumstance ! The fact you offered to work for her indicates you wanted to please someone again- but in THIS dream you put LIMITATIONS on how far you would go to please her by offering to work only " part time ". Which indicates I feel a progress from the first dream in wanting to have more control of your time in real life ! Do you feel entrapped by having to please others in your waking life ? Do you feel like you need more freedom ? I think this may be what this is about. Just my 2 cents. Let me know