Wow ! Didn't realize this thread had been bumped up ! Kind of a fun thread, isn't it ?
SERENITY NOW ! _ Yeah, I'm surprised I never saw that movie either. I really like Tommy Lee Jones- great actor ! I'll have to watch it.
CULT CLASSIC- Glad I was of help. I hope you continue to get good things from your dreams.
END OF MYSTERIES- Wow ! End of Mysteries- THAT was a scary dream ! Man alive. I'm thinking the snake like Cult Classic said may represent a religion perhaps which swallows up victims ? Perhaps the WT society ? I don't know. Are there any people in your life who have been tricky like that snake was ? just curious.
LEOLAIA- Interesting dream. Yeah, I think we ALL have sexual dreams at one time or another. They can be very pleasant- or at times disturbing depending on WHO is in the dream ! LOL ! I'm glad you got a good message from your dream in staying loyal to your boyfriend. That's cool. It's really good when we can feel good about ourselves even in our sleeping subconscious life. Good for you.
LIFE IS TOO SHORT- Wow ! What a strange dream you had. Well- Since you've dealt with a lot of crazy JW people over the years- I'm not surprised ONE of them popped up in one of your dreams ! LOL ! Even though this crazy guy was rolling around on his back like cat- I'm assuming he didn't want his stomach scratched like a cat, did he ? Considering you've dealt with a lot of cazy JW pedophiles- he could have been one of them in the dream . I know you had fears in real life about the pedophiles possibly exacting vengeance on your husband when he was an elder- so you may be dreaming about an unfinished fear you had from the past about that. Those fears may still creep into your subconscious thoughts and come out in dreams. I've had that too- past fears coming out in dreams while I sleep. It can be startling and disturbing after waking up for sure. Hang in there with it- hope you have some better dreams soon. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper