Apart from Jehovah's Witnesses and their Apologists there remains the most Supreme supporter of 607 BCE for the Fall and that is no less than the Great Chronologist and Timekeeper, Jehovah God
Come on, that is a really bad answer. There is not one shred of proof or evidence that suggests that 'Jehovah God' supports 607BCE. Tough to take any answers seriously if the best answer to my questions is this.
My questions stand:
Where else, other than the literature from the WTBTS or literature from JW apologists is it suggested that 607 (or any other date) is correct? The Bible DOES NOT say anything about ANY date and at best, it appears to point to the dates used by the world over. I again emphasize, I would love nothing more than to see the 'world proved wrong' but that proof has not been forthcoming.