Post 1400
You say that 607 BCE is a 'provable falsehood' but how can this be when the computaion of 607 BCE, the events of biblical history are fully described and it has a prophetic outreach prove beyond doubt that this is the only correct and possible date for the Fall. It is only this date that honours Jehovah as the God of True Prophecy.
COJ did not tip me off regarding Young's article because he never said anything to tip me off. He simply included his name in a long list of other names. COJ has never commented about Young's article either in the past or the present.
WT chronology is not contrived to suit some agenda nor has it ever been so contived as you allege. WT chronology was initially presented to focus on Christ's Second Coming and the nRestoration of all things promised by Jehovah God. This chronology has always had as its objective to be faithful and loyal to the Word of God a matter in which secular chronologies are indifferent to this noble and honourable purpose.
scholar JW