Hey,that IS the Fresh Prince!
The old big orange "Paradise" book
by aquagirl 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That guy hovering in mid air slammed the door in a dubs face on saturday
Scarred for life
I remember the PLPR book very well. Thanks for the link. It's good to look back at it now 50 years later and laugh. It is healing. Because there was nothing funny about it back then. I also learned to read with this book. And all those illustrations are permenently imprinted on my brain.
One study with my kids ( 8 and 7yrs. old) my daughter ask, dad all the wild animals what will they eat?
Please don,t laugh, but I said they will become vegetarians, my son looking puzzle ask and the sharks in the
The link http://oroborus21.com/jwnet/art/paradiselost.html was brilliant. I cannot believe how looking at it was like I read it just yesterday. It is amazing how strong an effect studying books has as a child.
One of my favorite older publications:
I think it would be good for all doubters to read the Truth That Leads To Eternal Life! Confirmation!!!
LOL..You are just plain sexy!
My gosh, I loved that book. WHY??? I just looked at that link, and now I have a lump in my throat and I feel agitated, what's that??