Their policy on their official website still leaves it open for non-reporting in states where it it not required by law.
Good point, the JWS are mostly concerned about public image than protecting children, you see there is an intuitive to make the JWS
appear special in and amongst the rest of the religions out there, mustn't bring reproach on to god's earthly organization
and always keep the congregation clean by DFing people who sin and are wicked.
Public image is most important in the eyes of the WTS/GB.
Well which way are going to spin your story now AIW. You whole heartedly tried spinning the pedophile problem of the JWS to many
different directions. The fact is people who go to JW meetings ARE the general public most are good law-biding citizens some are not,
some are sexual predators that need to be incarnated to protect the population in whole, not just a simple DFed or DAed from a congregation alone.
WHY is this ? because many times pedophiles will re-offend even after being identified as being one.
Its a serious offense that carries deep emotional scars on to the victims for years and perhaps for the rest of their lives.
I guess fighting to keep the image of the WTS/JWS up right and clean
is essentially make yourself appear up right clean and wholesome .....I know that since being myself JW for 20 years
The point is that pedophilia has to handled in a different way than simple fornication or adultery, this is true in ALL churches of faith.
The JWS organization hasn't been doing that like some other churches ( no names mentioned ) .
Simply disbarring an individual from the place of worship is not enough and is wholly irresponsible toward the public in general.
Doing so has proven to have dire and regrettable consequences on to a innocent few.
Do you agree AIW on this ?
Or are subjectively too morally hollow to agree with that assertion ?