There is no logical or reasonable explanation why the Watchtower Society would want molesters to be in the organization or be servants in the organization. They are simply trying to follow Bible principles in the policy they have in place. It is not sinister. It is not a cover up to try to show we have a spiritual paradise. If that was the case, why not cover up fornication as well. There are far more fornicators than child molesters. Why not keep fornication hush hush to give the appearance of an organization that lives in a perfect spiritual paradise with no wrongdoing whatsoever. It makes no sense. It is illogical. And it is nonfactual.
You are really emotionally and intellectually off your rocker if you think fornication and pedophilia are likewise behavioral sins.
To just let the supposed laws of the ancient bible treat these circumstances as proportionally equal levels of sin is justifiably corrupt
and morally weak.
Pedophilia is not an act of two consenting individuals, one is a perpetrator and the other is a innocent victim. ( unknowing and trusting children)
Your missing the point completely, the WTS organization has been taking the act of pedophilia as it were just a sinful act as fornication
or adultery, mostly treating the social behavior in the same way, which under the WTS/GB guidelines is to only notify the Police only when its legal
necessary by the laws of where the offense took place.
In other words if there are no legal requirements to do so, the elders are only required to handle the situation within the congregation itself.
OOPS whats wrong here a pedophile goes before a JC gets DFed or DAed and he or she just walks out the Kingdom Hall without
having to contend with the punishment of laws of the land. Bad idea don't you think since most pedophile offenders re-offend in a short time.
Thats one of the reasons why these individuals are quickly sought out for by the police with aggressive determination.
In any case AIW I'm appreciatively glad that your making your comments as your do for it helps people realize how mentally irrational the
typical brainwashed JW is and just how detrimentally dangerous they are toward society and the community they are located.
Keep posting comments AIW, your doing more for the betterment of humanity than you realize.