BINGO TD! It's what I've been thinking for years.
"Life" Brochures: 3 Easy Disproofs
by metatron 97 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
These shallow, short-lived land bridges are a far cry from the ones geologists used to talk about. But at least they actually existed. The ones envisioned early in the last century were a different creature.
You are 'cherry picking again' Alice. There are no geologists/whatever who say that this happened in a time frame compatible with the bedtime stories of ancient Middle Eastern goat herders.
Your theory relies on God going to a helluva lot of trouble to kill naughty humans, then going to even more trouble to find ways for animals to walk across relatively small gaps between continents and then, he goes to even more trouble to hide the evidence in a manner to fool every branch of earth science to date..... and he still hasn't magiked the last remaining dinosaur to New Zealand yet.
We accept that Australia was connected at one time. There's still no explanation for how all these weird creatures got there - other than evolution.
Consider the platypus: It has a tail like a beaver, a gait like a reptile, a bill like a duck, can attack with poison venom like a snake, lays eggs, has electric field senses like some fish/sharks and expresses milk but lacks teats and so uses its pores. The bill, however, is a sensory organ different from ducks.
Zoologists insisted it was a hoax. Others said it proved God had a sense of humor. It is an extreme example of evolution throwing together a wild list of abilities and structures thru genetics with no particular regard for consistent descent.
Australia as “proof” for evolution is one of the lamest excuses I've heard to substantiate evolution.
I placed it here to see what kind of response it would get: -
Given your utter failure to overcome the evidence of Australia as a natural example of evolution, I'd say your posting was a desperate casting about for something to say. Good luck with the 'fishing'.
You say it's lame without bothering to address the issues a creationist outlook has to overcome in regard to this. I'd like to claim the idea as my own but in fact, it's already been brought up in writing to the Watchtower Society. They have no answer either.
Want a 5th easy disproof?
5) Science has already created a synthetic living cell this year - is evolution that hard to believe if life can be created in the lab?
"Given your utter failure to overcome the evidence of Australia as a natural example of evolution, I'd say your posting was a desperate casting about for something to say. Good luck with the 'fishing'.
You say it's lame without bothering to address the issues a creationist outlook has to overcome in regard to this. I'd like to claim the idea as my own but in fact, it's already been brought up in writing to the Watchtower Society. They have no answer either.
Want a 5th easy disproof?
5) Science has already created a synthetic living cell this year - is evolution that hard to believe if life can be created in the lab?"
I did chart a path for the migration of animals to isolated regions.
The Rise and Fall of Land Bridges
First of all the critical time interval for vertebrate evolution: between 100 and 112 million years in duration-spans. Even if this were true, current advancements in biology would at the least reveal subtle changes in a species' genetic makeup towards this end.
The gain and loss of genes during 600 million years of vertebrate evolution
Background: Gene duplication is assumed to have played a crucial role in the evolution of vertebrate organisms. Apart from a continuous mode of duplication, two or three whole genome duplication events have been proposed during the evolution of vertebrates, one or two at the dawn of vertebrate evolution, and an additional one in the fish lineage, not shared with land vertebrates. Here, we have studied gene gain and loss in seven different vertebrate genomes, spanning an evolutionary period of about 600 million years.
The study detailing the gain and loss of genes during 600 million years of vertebrate evolution is not an adequate demonstration of macroevolution: species deriving complexity from simpler lifeforms. There's nothing in the study that indicates why the gain and loss of genes is in anyway related to vertebrate evolution. 600 million years does allow for the modification of a continent's position and size.
Geographic Distribution and Size of Continents
Through the course of a Wilson cycle continents collide and split apart, mountains are uplifted and eroded, and ocean basins open and close. The re-distribution and changing size and elevation of continental land masses may have caused climate change on long time scales. Computer climate models have shown that the climate is very sensitive to changing geography. It is unlikely, however, that these large variations in the Earth's geography were the primary cause of the latest long-term cooling trend as they fail to decrease temperatures on a global scale.
The global deluge and creation account in Genesis obscures things a bit. I'd have to look into it further as to whether they really did exist, but land bridges postulated between Britain and Europe, between New Guinea and Australia allows for the migration of various animals to this region.
How is creating a synthetic living cell evidence for evolution? Creating a synthetic living cell is evidence for intelligent design.
The Miller-Urey experiment was pioneering, but abiogenesis has come a long, long way since then. I suggest looking into the work being done by Jack Szostak at Szostak Labs. He's written extensively on the subject. -
Black Sheep
...between 100 and 112 million years...
...600 million years of vertebrate evolution...
If I had have brought stuff like that into our house when I was a kid, the old man would have thought I was beset by demons.
The global deluge and creation account in Genesis obscures things a bit. I'd have to look into it further as to whether they really did exist, but land bridges postulated between Britain and Europe, between New Guinea and Australia allows for the migration of various animals to this region.
Obscures things a bit..... LOL. Creation or evolution, either way, they all get wiped out in Oz and, more importantly, New Zealand, by your Watchtower's global deluge, hundreds of millions of years after any land bridges disappeared.
... and all Alice can do in reply is copy and paste copious quantities of articles by authors who write shiploads of stuff that contradicts the WT.
"If I had have brought stuff like that into our house when I was a kid, the old man would have thought I was beset by demons."
I don't know where you got this perception of Jehovah's Witnesses from. If you care to cohesively fit in with your family you may want to adjust your thinking.
I don't know where you got this perception of Jehovah's Witnesses from.
If care to cohesively fit in with your family you may want to adjust your thinking.....AIW
Your disagreeing with someone who is telling you how his family behaves..
Are you Drunk/Drugged/or just Nuts?..
Black Sheep
I don't know where you got this perception of Jehovah's Witnesses from.
Didn't you read my profile????