The issue isn't "protection", it is suffering.
Most want God to protect them from suffereing and when God doesn't, they want to know why.
Why does God allow a baby in Africa to be born with AIDS, suffer pain every moment it lives, and die covered in flies and mud after a few years of wretched existence? And why does he allow that (or similar) scenarios to repeat literally billions of times for uncounted milennia?
Indeed, a very valid question.How do we reconcile a God of love with a God that seems to lack compassion, that is what you are asking right?
Actually, more to the point, why allow a world where the poor decisions of "person X" cause suffering, as outlined above, to hundreds or thousands or millions or billions of people?
The world was given to US to do what we "like" with it for an "X" period of time, we have the world we "want".
If he were really a God of justice, then the "poor use" of "free will" (a topic for another day) on one person's part would cause bad consequences for that person only.
Hmmm, an interesting view, would the use of "good free will" only effect said person too?
Why does the African AIDS baby suffer? How is justice served by allowing that human, who has never had the ability to even comprehend the topic of "free will", much less exercise it, to live literally every moment in excruciating pain before dying?
I can't tell you HOW MANY times I have anguished over that very question in one for or another, truly I can't because I have lost count.
I don't have the answer for you, MY question was answered and I accepted it, but that has ZERO to do with you and YOUR question.
I suggest you "take it up with God" because only God can tell you why, just be forewarned that you MAy not like the answer.