admitted guilt and has had therapy.
Just Heard Some Shocking News
by jookbeard 106 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Mickey mouse
Jookbeard you have a PM.
contact all the journalists that covered the original story and ask them if they are interested in doing a followup
or equip yourself with a discreet video camera and start going back to the meetings :-)
sidepoint - make sure to email Faith and tell her to keep her eye on the kids if they are ever at that KH
contact all the journalists that covered the original story and ask them if they are interested in doing a followup
The right approach! Was Porter one of the paedophiles featured on Panorama? If so I still have a contact - PM me if you need to Jookbeard.
Besty , I'm seeing my mum next week and left a very sarcastic voicemail to Faith to confirm the visit and remind her of the news I've just discovered, she never answers her phone to me it's only SMS and voicemail.
Think About It
Bet the elders put out the threats to everyone to accept him and dare not say a word about it. It is infuriating the lengths they will go to protect a known pedophile and then just hound & DF good people over the silliest shit.
Think About It
she never answers her phone to me it's only SMS and voicemail.
weird how cognitive dissonance makes them act weird - no talking (saying a greeting?) but SMS is fine :-)
Faith onetime said to Sam she wouldn't care if there were 10000 pedophiles in Penge, she would still go to the meetings....only 9,999 to go....
Darth plaugeis
Jah forgave him why can't you????
That's WT justice huh?
I, too, like Besty's suggestions...
I would also print up flyers with the newsarticles or date, station and airing times of newspieces on this story, and place one under the windshield wiper of every auto in the Kingdom Hall parking lot...
Might prevent some future child abuse, that way...
Just don't get caught placing the flyers...
unbelievable. I'm going to do some following up of my own next week.